I am a first time poster. I have suffered with facial, tooth, jaw pain for 2 years. I have been diagnosed with ATN/TN. Swelling on the side that hurts. My pain for the past 8 months has been on my top 2 back molars. My last trip to the dentist was to work on one of the molars that had a leaking filling. While the dentist was working he saw that the tooth was cracked--at that time he removed a large portion of the tooth above the gumline, thought he fixed it. Needless to say it still hurts....bad! I wonder if it could be cracked down to the root?
The tooth that is next to it has about a 20 year old root canal & crown, that tooth hurts as well. I do know that the root of both of these teeth do go into the sinus. I am constantly having sinus infections with extreme tooth pain.
I go to a oral surgeon on Monday. I want both of these teeth to be pulled. I fear that they may be infected & a big part of my facial, jaw pain issues. But, if it is a nerve problem---having them pulled could potentially make things worse.
What should I do?????