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Old 07-11-2012, 07:01 AM
SmilinEyesMs305 SmilinEyesMs305 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 242
10 yr Member
SmilinEyesMs305 SmilinEyesMs305 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 242
10 yr Member

The summer months are h*ll for me and my PCS. My first summer it was so bad, that whenever I got overheated, I had to lay down on the floor with ice packs on my neck. I had no tolerance at all for heat and humidity. It was instantaneous. I would feel weird and 2 minutes later, I would have to be completely flat or I felt like I would pass out.

This year is a little better. The first week of hotter temps was really rough on me. The intense heat of last week, got me agian despite being in the AC most of the time. I'm still trying to get out of the "concussion hangover" from the strain on my systems from last weeks intense heat and humidity.

What you are experiencing is completely "normal" for PCS.

My advice: Make sure you are hydrated. Seems easy, but I mean drink as much water as you can. This makes a huge difference for me. Even when I think I drank enough, if I don't keep it up, I feel sick again. Once your body is dehydrated, all of your symptoms will spike. And you may not even realize you are dehydrated. So, always be drinking water!

AC as much as possible. Can you exercise indoors where its cooler?

Have you tried ice on your neck or head when things increase? It seems to help me cool down quickly and lessens my symptoms somewhat.
What Happened: On 3/8/11 I was stopped waiting to merge into traffic when I was rear ended by someone doing 45 mph. I walked away from the accident, to fall into the pit of PCS 5 days later... (I have had 2 previous concussions, but neither developed into PCS.)

Symptoms 3 Years Post: Physical: migraines, infrequent vertigo, neck and back pain (from accident), tinnitus, visual field deficits in left eye, problematic light sensitivity, (including visual seizure activity), noise sensitivity, EXTREME fatigue, semi-frequent disrupted sleep cycles,
Cognitive: semi-frequent Brain fog after cognitive strain, limited bouts of impulsivity, unable to concentrate for more than short periods of time without fatigue, word finding problems, slowed processing speeds, impaired visual memory;
Emotional: easily overstimulated, depression, anxiety;

Treatment so far: Vestibular therapy; Physical Therapy; Vision Therapy; Vitamin Schedule; Limited caffeine; Medications; attempting to limit stress and overstimulation; Yoga; Cognitive Therapy
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