Thread: ringing in ears
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Old 07-16-2012, 12:34 AM
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Default Hey mark

Originally Posted by Mark in Idaho View Post

Karly hasn't been around in quite some time. At the header above the post, it shows the date of the her post post (June 2008).

Tinnitus is a very common symptoms from PCS. I have had it for decades. It comes and goes. Sometimes, it is just a background sound that is easy to ignore. Other times, it is outright annoying.

My ears ring at a frequency between C6# and D6 on a piano keyboard. It has been the same pitch for many years so this tells me the sound has a fixed nature to it.

One of the symptoms of PCS is an inability for the brain to filter out background sounds. This may be the cause for tinnitus. In the past, the brain filtered this sound so it was not consciously heard. With that filter mechanism in dysfunction, the sound makes it to the conscious level.

BEWARE, Don't get tempted to spend money on the scam sold on TV called Quietus. It is a bunch of expensive junk that does not have any effect on tinnitus. By the time you know it is not working, they have auto-shipped and billed your credit card you three months worth.
Hey Mark I like your verse..I just joined this site because about 5weeks ago I got knocked out by some guys who beat me up. I am 42 and have always run in athletics at a good level, I was very concerned about the possibilities of bleeds and I had a ct scan 5 days after that was clear. But I have ringing in my ears very low key for the last few weeks off and on and more on now. I wonder how long it will take to be able to run and compete again, I think i damaged my inner ear but Im in malaysia and have no medical cover. I thank God for my life and for yours Patrick
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