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Old 07-23-2012, 08:22 PM
ger715 ger715 is offline
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ger715 ger715 is offline
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Default Ruby

Originally Posted by RubyQ_30 View Post
I am new to the site and may I say it is refreshing to find a support group such as this! First off I am a MOM of 3 children,WIFE of 10+yrs, and psychology student.In 2004,At the age of 22 (3mos preg with son), I was in a car accident that left my back fractured in 2 places. Because of my pregnancy there was nothing to be done short of learn to walk (on a walker). After my son was born I was unable to lose the weight and stayed at 185 (5'4)because of the pain involved with exercise. In 2008 (after hearing that I was fat and fractures should be long healed) I went on Adkins and started a light exercise program where I got down to 125. Less than 1yr into fighting the discomfort to get on the tredmill I was overcome with a pain that could never be described. Soon to find out I had ruptured a disc..BY SITTING! My first Drs visit they informed me that I had now gone from 5'4 to 5'2! I went through all the usual- therapy,pain meds,LESI injections,etc when I finally had my lumbar discectomy.The dr promised a 2-3 inch incision.Before surgery my husband and I laughed in the waiting room at my 26yr "old" body unable to move my right toes.As soon as I woke up I yelled for him, crying, and showed him the wiggle dance that my toes could now do!! Before leaving my Dr explained that I was a rare case and he had to do a 8+in incision to retrieve the pieces of my disc that had traveled up my spine.I was upset by my scar but thrilled at the LACK of pain my Dr had blessed me with!I had a good 8mos! Fast forward to 2009, pain was back, worse than ever! Several MRI's, pain medications, LESI injections, and therapies later I have been diagnosed with all they have to throw at me. Not to mention during this time I have lost my health insurance. As this has been a long story already I will follow up with where I stand now in a reply post

Sorry to hear all you have been going thru; but even worse is the loss of your insurance. After getting results from MRI's and getting injections; which obviously have not helped, did your doctor suggest a spinal fusion? What were the results of the MRI's ? Your post is really not all that long when trying to explain your condition.

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