Thread: Pelvic RSD
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Old 07-28-2012, 01:21 PM
Lovelife Lovelife is offline
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Lovelife Lovelife is offline
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Default Can't believe this

Now they changed their mind wont do treatments... I can move my bowels my vagina is raw small prolapsing my petinum is so hard tight far down
Such pain
calling my docs is doing me no good
Saw my Nerosaid they didn't want to harm m
I'm in agony now
I can't stand
Swollen abdomen hear gas stool but if I bear down all feels coming more out
I'm in such trouble
Oh betsykk

Originally Posted by Lovelife View Post
Bless you all
I developed more issues yesterday
Tons of yeast?
Red sores on my bladder
Painful urination
Red swollen labia more shinny and a white plaque coating
So painful to pass gas
Perinum down more
Can't touch
My Gyn oncologist wants me to do ketamine tomorrow!
I think I have entrapments for sure because my perinum and si joint and hip and pelvis and what's left of my vagina are killing me
I can't eat
I tried yogurt bloat hard as a rock
Passed gas hard explosive sent pain throughout my body
I believe my perinum is going to rip so thin so atrophied shiny red like all below inside and out
Believe I've develop vulvidynia and ic
My rectum is so raw red out yet my perinum below streching my vagina closed

I replied to Betsykk because I was left to make ketaime descision overnite!! Gp gone oncologist says ketamine befor all else......I'd been waiting for it and now after five years a weekend of horrid pain also in small bowel actually entire system
I burn just typing
I want my body back
I just wanted to speak to a pain specialist who understood the pelvis
Could only get Pudendal blocks but was told years ago they weren't enough now they may give perinal relief for a week but this was months ago and I called the anthestiologist who said my pain sounded too severe to do blocks
Yet the doc thought pne 12 blocks imaging surgery....then told no by neurologist full body crps....didn't get female area though....
Perinal descent and losing that part is what drives my pain
Ketamine for nerve entrapments? Ketamine for severely descende untouable perinum rectum vagina(almost closed swollen shiny raw sore atrophied) ? Ketamine for extreme digestive issues? Body that is stone and downtown 100lbs? Can't see most of time? Lying down hurts. Standing just to make it to the bathroom..... I get allthats happening I feel the prolapses.... The Pudendal obterator illoingunal ....all the nerves in my pelvis si joint lumbosacral spine in screaming pain shooting thru me.....
I can't believe my new symptoms over the masters days...from the light touch of my oncologist...could only use her pinkie finger to inspect me touch so lightly....oh the pain
And I can't eliminate.....
Ketamine? I wish my bladder hadn't acted up -remarkable
I was having so much fun with my family and students five years ago
A small pinch a touch of cancer has led me here
Gladyou are out there
I wish I had you all around me now
You would all know
I'm too complicated for my doctors-I get that, but I wish they'd listen to each other-my Gp is gone!! My oncologist insists on ketamine, but doesn't now about effects on ic/bladder infection bowels kidneys digestion perinum....just wants me out of pain; bless her
Bless you all
keep your ideas coming....big day tomorrow; can't believe I'm wondering about it it happened in a day! Over the weekend my doc got the ketamine....yet the bladder now
Ok no more blabbing; awaiting your replies
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