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Old 09-16-2012, 03:50 AM
toddy toddy is offline
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toddy toddy is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2012
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Default PN in AGONY

I live in hk and had weird symptoms for some weeks! i will write them in order down here!

1- Caught a terrible flu on july 21st to the extent where i was bed ridden with terrible shakes in my inside and sweating ridiculously, as i was in mexico i did not see a doctor but just bought some over the counter anti biotics which i took for a few days and symptoms were relived!

2- did a hair transplant on 24th of july in minnesota, then flew back to hk the following day!

3- had some swelling and pain (due to the hair transplant) and also some numbness and tingling on the top of my ear which i put down to the hair transplant as they removed hair from the sides of my head.

4- i started the very low calorie and carb diet called medifast (which i have done many times before) as soon as i got back! I was still on pain killers for the head swelling for a few days as well!

5- during this diet from july29th to august 6th, i felt terrible coldness, and an inability to keep warm, (something i had never felt before on this diet), it was the middle of summer in hk 33 degrees but i was walking around in a sweater and coat!

6- on the 6t of August i came of the diet and tried to eat as normal and try to reverse this terrible chill! Days went by but there was only mild improvement!

7- 11th of august i went to the GP for a blood test, hiv, renal, lungs diabetes, thyroid all came back normal. So the doc said im in good health!

8- from 11th to the 19th of august i still felt cold but also had burning hot and unusual sensations in my abdomen but not specific to one area, but all around. I went to hospital they checked me with xray, urine sample, the ultra sound. Everything came back normal again.

9- 20th of august whilst on the computer i got sudden pains in both arms and legs from the knee down and elbow down! Never felt anything like it! It lasted for hours as if there was noblood going to the area and stabbing pains! I went to the doc again and he gave me some medicine to relax me as he siad i was uptight!

10- after that i had an odd sensation in a couple of my toes on the right foot, feeling numb, and also cramping in my left calf when walking! Also odd sensations in my arms and hands like a sudden cold feeling and then hot! Throughout all this i felt so tired weak and exhausted! This feeling got stronger as the day went on, i dont usually drink alcohol but the only thing that gave me some mild relief was a glass of wine around 5pm and drinking it slowly over the evening, this also helped me slep.

11- On the 1st of September these pains came back, and also terible fatigue so i went to hospital, they suspected Guillian Barre syndrome, they did the nerve conduction test which was normal so they ruled that out. The neurologist gave me one xanax 75mg and one lyrica to take per day and said he would keep me in for a week for observation. He said it was probably something or nothing and sometimes these things cant be explained sometimes. He ran some tests on my heart, mri and mra and all came back normal. He also did some blood tests, b12 was 1002, he said it was high but nothing to worry about, glucose fasting level was 3.9 and thyroid, heavy metals, ANA was all normal.

12- On the 5th of august these awful pains came back but this time it was in my legs up to my thighs, and in my arms up to my shoulders and was the most awful pain! The docs could not understand it, they all put it down to hyperventilation or anxiety. So they gave me an extra dose of Lyrica and xanax a day, and told me the were going to treat me for anxiety. I mentioned the notion of me having some form of PN to which the neurologist replied, that my tests came back normal and he has never seen a case of PN in his thirty years of practice so he told me he would be treating me for anxiety! Yes i think i have anxiety, but i think its from this condition not causing it!

13- On the 12th of september, they let me out of hospital and i went back to work. I work as a dancing teachers so my legs and arms are so important to me! I seemed to do ok as i only had a few lessons that day, but in the evening the terrible burning sensation in my feet was unbearable, i just have never experienced anything like it! The next day i booked appointments with the top 3 neurologists here, 2 sai i had anxiety, and one said it could be some form of PN but noone in hk specialises in this nor do they know anything bout it!

Since the my syptoms seem to have got worse, no longer do they come in the attack form, nut now my feet are so so tender and get so hot after trying to dance! Walking on them is like walking on broken glass! Then my hands seemed to get sensitive to holding objects with corners or slightly sharp, it would give me pain! Also my skin almost all over my body is super sensitive even wearing my shirt and tie! Im in a mess, i cant work, im aggrivated and no fun to be around, im depressed and all the docs tell me im imaginig all this! I am in the process of trying to get an appointment in the mayo clinic in Rochester as i heard this is the leading clinic for PN disorders. I want someone to tell me if i have tihis terrrible thing or not! And let me know if i am going out of my mind!

Im only 32 and dancing is my only education and my only skill, so its the only way i can make a living! Please help! Does this PN come on so quickly like this? Can i stop this pain in my feet so i can work! Im so desperate! Please help, anyone out there that can give me some tips, advice or make any sense out of this, i would be eternally grateful to!

kind regards

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