Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 56
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 56
Solid Ovarian Mass 27 years old :-(
How is everyone doing? I'm falling apart basically because I ha an ultrasound done and they see a solid mass on my right ovary. I've been feeling pain there do I had it checked out. My gyno doesn't know exactly what it is so he ha me go for an MRI. The MRI mentioned its a fribroma thecoma. My gyno said to have laparoscopy done to remove mass and hopefully leave ovary alone because I haven't had children yet and desperately want some.
My original gyno was Quick to schedule a surgery so I got a second opinion. The second gyno was a lot more informative and explained everything to me. He doesn't think it's a fibroma thecoma bc of my age. It is extremely rare in woman under 60. He does agree with the first dr that he believes it's benign. He is more worried about my fertility than ovarian cancer do he referred me to a specialist. The specialist specializes in fertility and laproscopys. They are the best people to get mass out without removing ovary.
In my mind I am so worried its cancer or I'll not e able to have children. This is all I think about. He explained that it doesn't have vascular components inside it which is good. It's 3cm and completely solid. I realize I wot know what this is until I have surgery. I'm so petrified I have cancer at 27. Can someone help me? What can this be? It's sitting on top of my ovary .... :-(