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Old 09-17-2012, 11:37 AM
ArthurDent ArthurDent is offline
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ArthurDent ArthurDent is offline
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Originally Posted by jwfry View Post
I am totally interested in the relationship between these antibiotics and CFS and fibromyalgia.
I remember the first time I first felt the symptoms of fibromyalgia and I had just finished taking a series of successive antibiotics of these type in an attempt to rid myself of of a sinus infection.
The most apparent locations being between both shoulder blades on either side of my spine.
Previous to this I had been poisioned by one of my chemo therapy drugs, Vincristine. I was told that I was 1 in a 100 that had an alergic reaction to Vincristine. This happened in January of 1992.
The sinus infection occurred in 1994.
Ever since the sinus infection the fibromyalgia and then the diagnosis of CFS along with Neuro mediated hypotension has progressively gotten worse year by year.
If there is anway to rid my aching body of these types of antibiotics or is it to late ???
Originally Posted by jwfry View Post
I am totally interested in the relationship between these antibiotics and CFS and fibromyalgia.
I remember the first time I first felt the symptoms of fibromyalgia and I had just finished taking a series of successive antibiotics of these type in an attempt to rid myself of of a sinus infection.
The most apparent locations being between both shoulder blades on either side of my spine.
Previous to this I had been poisioned by one of my chemo therapy drugs, Vincristine. I was told that I was 1 in a 100 that had an alergic reaction to Vincristine. This happened in January of 1992.
The sinus infection occurred in 1994.
Ever since the sinus infection the fibromyalgia and then the diagnosis of CFS along with Neuro mediated hypotension has progressively gotten worse year by year.
If there is anway to rid my aching body of these types of antibiotics or is it to late ???
Here's what I can tell you:

My symptoms, which fit rather well into the cluster associated with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, appeared immediately after taking only 7 days of Ciprofloxacin, one of the more commonly prescribed flouroquinolone antibiotics. Although "a statistical correlation does not prove a causal correlation," it is rather hard to ignore the timing here. After nearly two years, my symptoms have improved, although they do seem to change and almost evolve over time. My neck and legs used to be the worst

To add insult, my PC treated me with steroids and nsaids immediately after, both of which are known to exacerbate "Flouroquinolone Toxicity Syndrome." Also, I was taking Clonopin 2mg daily, which is a benzodiazapine similar to Xanax. All benzos are contraindicated with flouroquinolones because FQs can immediately turn off (flip, actually,) the benzo (and opioid) receptors in the brain, sending you into an immediate benzo withdrawal, which is horrific by itself. I was also taking 300 mg Wellbutrin, which is also contra-indicated. My life has been quite thoroughly dessimated.

There is a ton of info and support on the web about the adverse effects of flouroquinolones, but that's about the only place you will find it. Much like FM, FTS is a "syndrome" (basically a collection of symptoms yet to be explained,) not a "disease" or "illness," and there are no tests or treatments that are scientifically significant. I have lost my career (and therefore my insurance,) my ability to participate in physical activities, some memory and cognitive function, and I deal with pain every day that even those close to me seem to doubt. Even my doc, who I used to like very much, now gives me that doubting "I think you are making this up or it is psychosomatic" look. He also seems to think that I am just looking to score some Lortab or other narcotics.

My "treatment-resistant major depression with coexisting anxiety and add" preceded any of the above by about twenty years, but the pain and severely limited lifestyle have not helped my depression...

I worked with an empathic nurse-practitioner for a while, who tried me on samples of Lyrica. It seemed to help the pain quite a bit one I got up to a pretty high dosage, but they ran out of samples and I cannot afford the almost $400 a month prescription, so I had to ramp down. Other than the Lyrica, only Lortab (hydrocodone) seems to help, and it takes about 30 mg to do the trick, which is three times the 10 mg max dosage docs can prescribe before the DEA whisks them off. This being said, please note that the high dosage I require is very unusual. Most people do not require such high doses, and indeed it can be quite dangerous. I have just ALWAYS had a high resistance to all types of pain meds and anesthetics. My dentist and oral surgeon's anesthesiologist has had to resort to adding Ketamine (not an altogether unpleasant experience..) to the normal weight-dependent dosages of typical meds that knock normal people out cold. But I digress.

I have not been diagnosed with FM because I have not seen a rheumetologist. First, I don't have the cash, and second, none of the rheumetologists around here seem to treat FM. I can only assume that this is because they doubt it's existence due to lack of definitive tests. So for now I simply endure life.

The fact that little is known and little is known to help FTS is, I believe, because A. the drug companies don't want to know, and it's such a difficult thing to pin down it's not profitable to do the research.
B. Although there are squeeky wheels on the web, the Docs don't see any significant backlash because there is no follow-up any more, and even if there was, they are too scared of malpractice claims to report the incidents, which is the only way the DEH or FDA could get data on it.
C. FQs like Ciprofloxacin are very powerful and effective broad-spectrum antibiotics that have saved countless lives. My nemesis Cipro, for instance, is the only drug known to kill Anthrax. Until something better comes long, they aren't going anywhere.
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