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Old 04-25-2007, 08:29 AM
HWRSD HWRSD is offline
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HWRSD HWRSD is offline
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Originally Posted by Joselita View Post

Where I have gotten confused is at a couple of different places here. The first thing that hit me was; Why so defensive and almost aggressive towards Artists post/question? I looked and looked, and I don't see where she uses the word "liar" or "lie" or anything like that. All I see is her asking for where you found the info about the Neurontin staying in the system for 3 years after it has stopped being taken. It looks like she was being very careful about asking this too. So..I am not sure that I understand why you got so upset? Or, at least why your post sounded so upset?

Next thing that confused me, was all of those other posts that you put up in your response. But, in none of the things that you put up here, do I see anyone saying anything about the 3 years thing? So, I am confused? Why all of those other things by other people?

But, if it is super important info like a med staying in the system for years at a time...well....that kind of thing kinda needs to have something that folks can go to, to read about it for themselves too. If that makes any sense?

I understand that you have picked up lots of information along the way, while trying to help your husband figure out what would be the best route for him to go, as far as treatments and meds. I understand that LOTS of research has been done in order for you to try to do that to the best of your ability. But, just like any other research, it kinda needs Cites to help back it up. Otherwise what can happen are some very NOT GOOD things. For example, folks can panic and either refuse to take a med that might very well work for them without really having all of the information that they need to make that kind of decision, or they can stop taking a med out of fear of whatever possibly happening to them(even if they aren't having side effects, or not bad ones, and the med IS helping them), or there can be a HUGE big argument pop up on here between the folks that a certain med or treatment helps, and those that it does not. Believe me, I have seen that happen more times then I like to think about. It is awful, and I dont like seeing all of the folks that I care about feeling all weirded out unnecessarily, especially since there is so very much for us all to be weirded out by on a daily basis living with RSD.

Take Care,
Good Morning,

Why was I upset? Why did I post what I posted? To show that people have had reactions/adverse effects etc for years after quitting Neurontin.......As also stated, through my research over 12 years and the onset of hubby's RSD I have lost the link to the "EXACT" 3 year mark and I've told Artist that - I'm still looking in between caring for my husband, children, working and recently/now caring for/visiting a grandmother is dying...So I'd like to say "pardon" to all who want/insist on seeing the exact three year detailed information. I'll post it as soon as I can locate it.


No offense taken to your response.....I dont have a problem with it at all. I will state, tho that in previous posts I believe I have explained that my father in law has taken and has been successful with taking Neurontin (so far) I have NEVER stated that one stop taking it or reject it because of what my opinions are about it. I believe I have shared that same thing, that what works for one may not work for others. I also believe that people should be warned about possible LONG LASTING side effects, reactions. I've said many times, research, research and research some more about what meds you are on or what you could be on. Visiting one site about a product does not guarentee or give anyone the educated information they need about a med. As a matter of a fact, I just found more side effects/possible side effects listed about a med hubby is on, and he's been taking this for 6 months. I was unaware of them, AND another med hubby had tried and ended up in the ER for - the side effects he experienced were no where listed on the net (I still have yet to find them), NOR on the package/information sheet, OR at the companies direct website YET the Dr in the ER had them listed with HIS information - (Information released to him apparently but not to the public.....) - Making informed decisions is important. I couldnt agree with you more.

So to make this story short in between everything else in my life when and if I come up with the "exact three year" mark, posting, site (as I read this 12 years ago) I'll make sure this is the first place I stop by and post it.

Hope your day is good,


Last edited by Chemar; 04-27-2007 at 07:30 AM. Reason: moderator edit required
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