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Old 10-05-2012, 06:16 AM
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Default Anyone recognise this pain?

My docs don't understand what I mean. I have RA and raynouds and cryoglobulinemea (?) with more diseases but pain is probably caused by one of those.

It is a pain, that is not centered like my RA pain. I know it's not musclepain or jointpain. It is a pain that starts in my elbow and "lingers" or "nags on" to my hands. I call it pain in my veins, though this is not possible they told me.
You know the feeling of the needle when they take your blood? It's that feeling, but not on one place, but from elbow to hands. And it's a pain that is nagging and kind of nausiating. It is not a burning or sharp pain.
It's getting worse when it's coldor when I use my hands "too much".

Does someone recognise this, because my docs say, I dont know what you mean.

Last edited by RavenC; 10-05-2012 at 01:25 PM.
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