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Old 10-08-2012, 05:55 AM
Uk PCS Accountant Uk PCS Accountant is offline
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Uk PCS Accountant Uk PCS Accountant is offline
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Default My Experience (and some questions!)

Hi All,

I've registered for this forum today as it's been very helpful to me during my still ongoing recovery and I finally feel up to the cognitive effort it requires, to post.

I had what seems a minor fall back in January 2012. I was at a work party and had been drinking, I don't remember about 2 hours preceding the fall but am pretty sure that must be due to the fall, not drinking - I did used to have alcohol blackouts, but as I am 2IC at work, I was on my best behaviour in front of customers, so presume I was not that drunk (something that still freaks me out is my lack of memory of the event and how I potentially behaved afterwards, and whether people's opinion of me has changed as a result.) I passed out for 5-10 minutes (best guess of 2 people who looked after me afterwards but I don't know them that well) and woke up 'very drunk'. Clearly now it is obvious I was concussed, but I then went to sleep on a sofa for 20 minutes and was taken back to my hotel room (at one point crawling - so embarrassed and scared that the severity of the injury to do that to my brain). I woke up the next morning, having vomited and no memory of the night before. I had hangover like symptoms so drove home (it scares me now to think how I managed it, but I did.) Later on that day someone text and asked how my head was, I presumed as I had drank a lot and was shocked at myself, then reaslised I'd banged my head. So i looked up concussion on NHS Direct and took myself to stay with a friend for 48 hours. I was sick every hour during that time. Then on the Monday morning (accident was a Friday night) I went to my GP as still didn't feel well, and he referred me to A&E.. They assessed my GCS and told me I'd recover in 2-3 weeks and I went back to work.

That week I was sent home from work as my boss said I was 'babbling' in a meeting and not myself. I knew I was a slowed down version of myself as I was driving 20mph everywhere, etc. I moved in with a friend for 3 weeks who lives close to my work and worked half days for the next 3 weeks. On the day I was sent home for 'babbling' my boss was clearly worried about me and I got really anxious so took myself to A&E again, this time I demanded a CT scan as I was convinced I had brain damage. It was clear, again I was told I'd recover in 2-3 weeks.

The 3 week mark came (I've now learnt not to give myself deadlines although still subconsciously have 'the end of the year' in my head) and I went to my GP, distraught that I was not better yet. He said he knew people who had much worse injuries than mine who fully recover, and it can take up to 6 weeks. He told me I had PCS and also some PTSD and told me some GP's would offer me anti-anxiety tablets, but I should try without them first. By this time I was nearly working full time and feeling awful, not getting much done and at weekends I'd have such bad anxiety I would think I was going to launch myself out of my bedroom window against my will. I could not move or communicate for 2 hours at a time, not even call a friend to say how I was. I started being very afraid to be on my own and engineered friends coming round every night and weekend (I am very lucky to have such great friends but so unlucky to be single and live on my own whilst this is going on.) No-one had told me at this point what to do to get better, or even what not to do. I have had to figure this all out myself.

3 weeks later, no change to back to GP. Prescribed anti-anxiety meds Citalopram, totally freaked out that I had been given them, had an very disassociated weekend and was terified. Took one pill, was very ill and have not taken any more since. Sometimes I wonder if I should have, sometimes I'm glad I didn't.

I then went on a pre-planned work trip to LA in April 2012, having already postponed this by 8 weeks (and with GP's telling me I'd be better in 3-6 thought this would definitely be ok!) and I had to go for my work. I had for the first time in my life a panic attack at the airport and had to call my Dad who coaxed my onto the plane. When I was there I was ok anxiety wise, I got through it by telling myself each episode woud pass and counted down the days until I came home. I have a good colleaague out there who supported me well too. I worked short days, had constant headache and nausea, off balance, etc ,etc - will come to my symptoms later.

I started cranial osteopathy for my headaches - and I really truly believe it works. My headaches really eased after that, I went weekly for 10 weeks and now only go when my head is bad (see later - I now know headache is my last symptom so I try not to get that far.)

I also started acupuncture for the anxiety and other PCS symptoms (I read the that USA Armed Forces refer PCS sufferers for it) - I am not sure if it works - I went weekly for 10 weeks and now am on fortnightly - I think I benefit a bit from the relaxation for an hour and my acupuncturist is a great talking therapist too - as I am desparate for anything that can help and I can't see how it can do any harm, I continue to go.

Once home I went to the GP and asked to be referred to a Neurologist. They said I didn't need it. I dont' have private healthcare but my boss offerred to pay for me to see one privately. I saw a private GP first to get the referral - she suggested I had blood tests for B vitamin deficiencies - I did and there were none but I now take a good multi vitamin and mineral supplement and extra magnesium - I think these have helped my general wellbeing and the nausea so I recommend them.

So then I saw the neurologist in May 2012. He did some balance tests and listened and said to try not to give myself dates and that I needed to restore my confidence and that I must remember this will pass. He didn't really give me any advice on how to recover quicker, just told me to believe it will pass. I asked for an MRI but he said he's pretty sure it won't show anything up so I haven't had one.

I then moved in permanently with my friend near work (so grateful) to cut out 2 hours driving per day and started to feel slowly better by limiting my activities and working shorter days. I worked out that resting before I did something out of my comfort zone helped and I slept better knowing I was not alone in the house. I did start to fear leaving my 2.4 mile comfort zone of house-work though.

I took a week off work and rested and even got the energy to drive to Norfolk. I could only do this as I was going to see a great friend who promised to come and get me if I couldn't complete the drive. When I got there I was so fatigued and ill I couldn't even talk, so I lay down for one hour and learnt that helps a lot. I was waited on hand and foot and drove home 4 days later, shutting my eyes in a dark room as soon as I arrived home. This advernture (something I did most weekends prior to the fall) did not help my PCS, but helped my anxiety - it's so hard to get the balance between the 2.

Then I went to a music festival in June. I thougt I would be ok as I had arranged to travel with a friend and have an afternoon nap everyday before going on site and stay 2 days extra to rest between travelling there an back. By day 3 I was a wreck (by the way I haven't drank alcohol or caffiene since the call) and was scared how I would get home. I had left early the last 2 nights of the 3 day festival and was only onsite 2 hours the last day. I had to get a friend to take me in half way home and she took the following day off work to get me the rest of the way. When I got home I had never been that bad, completely off balance, even when lying down, felt so sick, nausea, headache, brain fog, complete fatigue (concussion fatigue not sleepy fatigue) and a new symptom - ringing in my ears :-( I rested enough to get to my acupuncture and that day it definitley helped.

It took me 3 months to get back to where I was before that festival. I am still very angry that no-one told me not to go. I did not know that noise and crowds would be bad for me, although I hadn't even been able to go to a supermarket before that without being very ill so perhaps should have guessed.

I then saw the neurologist again as I was so concerned about how ill I was.
My GP then referred me for a follow up on the NHS and I saw the same neurologist in July 2012. He told me to take 6 weeks off work and get as much cognitive and sensory rest as possible and again told me it will pass, I will recover - by now I was very questioning of this.

So I went to Dubai on holiday for 2 weeks and developed a headache on day 3 that didn't pass until 5 days after I returned home. I shouldn't have gone but thought sitting on a beach reading for 2 weeks and not leaving the hotel was a good idea. In fact, I hadn't read a book since the fall and this hurt my eyes so much, I've not had a day since without eyeball ache. And eating in noisy restaurant each night and bright sunshine all day was a bad idea.

So I returned, thinking I'd wasted some of my precious time off (it took a lot for me to ask my boss for this time off and for me to plan my work around it). I then spend 3.5 weeks with support from amazing friends, resting as much as possible. It was the hardest thing I've ever done and took a week to start switching off. My routine was:
lie in until 10am
take as long as possible to shower and get ready
eat breakfast (internet delivery so no supermarket visits)
go for a walk (I have now developed a keen interest in this, something I'd have considered too boring/lame before)
take as long as possible to eat lunch
lie down and listen to an audio book (life savers these are) in a dark room but if I started to fall asleep I'd have to get up and do something different as it would seriously disturb my nightitme sleep
have a friend visit
watch 2 hours maximum quiet TV (couldn't think of anything else to do by this point)
go to sleep

I had really bad depression one week where I had 3 days without seeing anyone but I made it through. My symptoms did not disappear but got a lot better. I learnt the most important lesson which was the order in which they appear - so now I can try to go home and lie down in a quiet, dark room before they progress.

My orders is:
tinitus (constant but gets much louder when I've done something too stressful)
eyeball pain (constant but gets worse - eyetest revealed no problem - wearing sunglasses helps)
tingling in my sinsues by my eyes
tingling in my head, like the brain nerves are feeling frazzled
brain fog
neausea (eating little and often helps and usually it passes by mid afternoon)
going off balance
debilitating fatigue

The first week back at work (6 weeks ago) was hell - I was exhausted and headaches and nausea returned. I took it easy in between work and the following week was better.

I then saw a neurologist 4 weeks ago and have been referred to NeuroPsychologists 4 hour appointment at Oxford, although this will not be for another 8-10 weeks. She prescribed Migramax which helps a bit.

The last 2 weeks I have done too much again and had an awful weekend. My best friend returned from Australia and I wasn't well enough to drive to see her. This really affected me. I didn't sleep well last night. I am thinking I need another week off work doing my old routine but can't ask my boss for mre time off and have my 'busy 3 months' coming up at work.

I realise I've rambled but hope my story might help someone. I am slowly recovering but it's so slow I wonder if I've stopped. Does anyone have any other treatments, activities they recommend or experiences similar to mine but you've fully recovered? I worry I'll never have my life back and feel so trapped, everytime I book to do something I worry I don't be well and then end up cancelling it. I am still living with friends as worry when on my own. My sypmtoms are really bad today.

Does anyone have any recommended experts they have seen and would recommend in the UK? I still think I've not spoken to anyone that understands. Or any groups that meet up with similar experiences?

Thanks for reading and I hope I can help others on here as much as I hope I'll get help from responses.
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Theta Z (10-08-2012)