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Old 10-17-2012, 06:41 PM
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Originally Posted by MelodyL View Post
So little by little, I believe all we can do is try to help ourselves and if others seek our help, then of course we have to do what we can. But if one is determined to destroy themselves, well then, we have to do our best not to join them. It's not easy.
Sheesh, aint that the truth. I have a quote that I like to use every now and then by JK Rowling. "Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life"

Remember that most addicts\alcoholics DONT have a problem. Its that simple. And until that day when you wake up and it hits you that you have lost everything, they will drink or use.

People want to help, but they run out of options.

AA, Celebrate Recovery and the like are great programs if they work for the individual. For me, I could not stand AA, not sure why. But I am still sober and its take a life damaging instance to wake us up. Whether it be health, DUI, divorce, depression, will happen. Just hope its sooner than later.

IF you can, stay with them, be a friend, no judging, just be there.
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