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Old 10-24-2012, 01:43 PM
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Hi Krysy8,

You are correct and the people you listened to are correct. Fibromyalgia is not really anything the sense that nothing in your body is causing you pain. The feeling of pain is real, because your pain nerves are transmitting pain impulses.

Do you believe that the medication you are receiving is a permanent cure? Or are you planning to live the rest of your life dependent on modern pharmaceuticals? Do you think your ancestors lived this way?

Medical science does not recognize a cause of fibromyalgia. Doctors do not know what causes it. That's why most doctors treat fibromyalgia by treating the symptoms, the inflammation and sensation of pain.

You believe that your depression is simply a reaction to your fibromyalgia. That's possible, but it's just as possible that the two conditions represent dual effects of common causes.

You need to look into why some people get nerve demyelination, and how shortages of adenosine and choline cause indiscriminate firing of nerves.
.....and my post here:

Your journey needs to start with the rejection of two mainstream media myths, 1) Eat less fat, and 2) Eat more "healthy" whole grains. Eat MORE fat. Replace ALL grassy grains in your diet with meat.

Good luck.
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