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Old 10-26-2012, 02:19 AM
mytea mytea is offline
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mytea mytea is offline
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Default Hello!

I hope you get this as your post was made a month or two ago, but I would be inclined to think that you are suffering from Lyme disease. Just my personal opinion, especially after reading your Lyme test results. Lyme can cause peripheral neuropathy, which may very well explain your NLD-SFN. I know some folks with Lyme who went from 100% healthy to horribly ill in the matter of 24 hours! It does happen...I pray that you find relief!


Originally Posted by pg600rr View Post

I was a very healthy 29 y/o, best shape of my life, gym every other day, running every morning, zero health problems and no meds. Started having 'off' days last August, maybe every other week were I would have GI upset. Then had a few prolonged periods in Sept.-Jan. of 3-5 periods when I'd feel pretty bad.

Mid-Feb. everything went downhill fast. First presented w/ extreme GI upset, 24/7 nausea, no appeptite, bloating, gas, fatigue, malaise, etc. Was in/out of ER, given fluids and sent home each time due to CBC being OK. Scope was eventually done, they found mild esophagitis and 3 distal ulcers in esophagus. Thought that was why I was feeling so bad (didnt really make sense tho) and month later recheck showed it had healed itself. Through March continued to feel worse, symptoms included:

Symptoms (past & present):
-GI symptoms (nausea 24/7, gas, bloating, distention)
-mid back pain (dull)
-very fatigued 24/7
-chest tightness
-orthostatic tachycardia [diagnosed with POTS by Dr. Freeman @ Beth Israel]
-lost 18 lbs. 2/25-3/15
-unable to gain much weight back
-not sleeping (getting up sometimes 3x night to urinate 4/6/8am)
-constant varying levels of dizzyness/lightheadedness (usually worse when I stand up from sitting), will get numbness on forehead sometimes, feel like passing out sometimes
-feel very cold alot, especially hands and feet
-whole body feels very sick
-sporadic dull headaches (usually just above/behind eyes but varies)
-muscles in legs, arms upper back feel tight/achey from minute I wake (horrible feeling) worse in the a.m., will have for a week or two then not for a few weeks...
-left side gland under tongue (almost feels swollen on the inside, like something is in there) can pinpoint exactly where this feeling occurs
-usually have feeling of adrenline rush through body upon waking in the a.m.
-neuro noticed left hand temors upon evaul
-very sporadic, non-itchy rash, just blothcy, usually in center of stomach/chest area, sometimes on neck or ribs (havent noticed in atleast 4 weeks) [see pics]
-eye doc has been following left eyelid droop (may be caused from Lasik surgery I had done in 2010)
-sporadic cheek muscle twitch left side
-sporadic eyelid twitch left side
-restricted breathing through nose (often have to sleep breathing only through mouth)
-sometimes get sensation of clogged/forced swallowing @ top of throat, feels farther back in head, around point where sinus cavities emptying into top of mouth/throat (almost like traying to swallow with your nose plugged)

From 2/25 till now I have been to all major Boston-area hospitals, seen 16 specialists trying to figure out whats going on. So far they have not found much except for "mild" POTS, borderline lyme WB's, some atypical lymphocyctes (8%), and most recently, the big finding, NLD-SFN, biopsy was normal at right calf, abnormal at thigh. Currently, many of the symptoms above have changed or lessened. The major ones continue to be the GI and the feeling in my legs (sometimes shoulders/arms to a lesser degree).

Testing I've Had:
90+ pages of blood work
EKG (multiple)
Echo (multiple)
Holter (multiple)
UGI w/ small bowel
Upper Endoscopy
GES (normal, although doc said it could have been a good day)
Breath Test: SIBO, lactose, fructose
Allergy Blood testing and select skin testing
CT: Abdominal/Pelvis/Chest/Sinus
MRI: Full Spine and Brain
Autonomic Testing x2 (cardiovagal, adrenergic, and auxiliary all normal, sudomotor showed sweat output was normal but QSART showed length dependent pattern w/ a decrease of sweat output distally atleast 33%)
Skin punch biopsy (showed NLD-SFN, nerve density reduced 52% @ thigh, normal at calf)

I have yet to really get into see a specialist in SFN or the NLD kind. The nuero that diagnosed mine said that it was "mild" and some with this level of damage might not even experience symptoms, so I dont understand why I feel like I am dying most of the time! So I do have a few questions, any comments, suggestions, thoughts, answers all welcome :-)

1. do the sensations I am describing sound SFN related? I have NO burning, stinging, tingling, numbness, etc. it is like a jello-y, tight feeling, very unpleasent, comes and goes, mainly in glutes, thighs, and calfs (weird because biopsy showed no damage in calfs...) why would it be in the calfs if no damage there?

2. If the sensations are being caused by the SFN shouldnt they be somewhat consistent and not cycle?

4. read about dorsal root ganglia damage sometimes being related to would this present? my neuro said it is not relevant to me, because my EMG was normal, I have no coordination or muscle weakness problems, and no difficulties with sensing heat/cold/vibration...

5. anything specific I should I have my PCP doc testing for to find an underlying cause given the acute onset, the progression, results of above tests, my age/health, symptoms, etc.?

Thank you so much!
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