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Old 04-28-2007, 11:16 AM
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Joselita Joselita is offline
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Joselita Joselita is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Way down yonder in the Land of Cotton
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Red face Hopefully I'm not opening mouth and inserting foot here...

I am sorry that you have gotten so upset because of you and your son's differing political opinions. Speaking as a child of the 60's, and the daughter of a true blue Hippie (I was born in ‘69, the day after they walked on the moon...which makes me a "moon child" in more ways then one! ROFL), I think that the very fact that your son has such strong beliefs, and that he is very willing to stand up for them, just goes to show that you raised him right. Even though it would up that his views differ from yours enough to drive you crazy (and him too!), and to cause these big clashes between the two of you, you should still be proud that you have a son that is willing to stand up for what he believes in. I mean..if you look at it that way, doesn't he take after you in that respect? Maybe the things that he is standing up for and supporting are not the things that you ever would, or that you agree with at all, but he IS willing to stand up, state his position, and then stand behind it, even when it is pretty obvious at this point that maybe "his side" didn't have such good ideas, or handle things so very well. Have you considered that maybe that is where some of his "anger" is coming from? Frustration because things have so totally gone astray, and not worked out at all like everyone was promised they would? Since I don't know your son at all, I am only making an assumption here, because I DO Know you and as I just said, I think that his apple didn't fall very far from the tree in some respects. Haven't YOU gotten angry from becoming frustrated by how things wind up turning out? Haven't you rebelled and make a point to stand behind your convictions? My generation doesn't do much in the way of organized demonstrations, but we can and DO protest loudly in other ways. Sad to say that lots of times our "protesting" is to our parents.

I have a weird thing for you. As I said, I was raised by an x-hippie and a very liberal mom. My mom is and always has been a Democrat. My Dad is a Economics, and Finance Professor and used to be a Republican...and HE used to be the Hippie! Go figure. My Mom, and President Regan (and probably his prior "hippiedom" ), helped him to change lots of his political views. LOL. But, like anything else, he had to make the choice himself. It wouldn't have mattered if he had stayed a Registered Republican, my Mom loves him no matter what. I think that a lot of the reason that he changed political veiws is because of her, and seeing and hearing her plight as a Single Mom (remember, he is my and my brother's adoptive dad). But, I don't know, as I have never talked to him about any of this. I just know that both of my parents raised me to also stand up for what I believe in, and to take a stand when it really matters...and that my voice counts, and to USE that voice and Vote. It sounds like you did the same for your son. In other words, you did a good job!

I think that you should be proud that you have a son that does try to look at how things are going...and that uses his Right and Votes. So many people of my generation, and of the younger generation do not, as they think that their vote does not matter.

I also think that maybe you should agree to disagree with your son's political veiws and values. I mean, when you really get down to the heart of the matter, is his being a Republican THAT important? Does it make him less of a person or a man in your eyes? Is it worth damaging and possibly losing the relationship that you and he have, just because you don't see eye to eye politically? The whole country is under stress right now, and so many people have such differing views. You know what? The fact that so many people have those differing views, and stand behind them, is what makes this country America. No one has to believe like anyone else, and no one has to stand for the same things as anyone else. As long as folks aren't crazy (some kind of extremist crazy...we DO have those here in this country too...and they DO wear the veils of Republican and Democrat,, and any other Party of even religion that we have here in this country. That is the kind of "Crazy" that I am talking about), and abide by the laws, and RESPECT each other's right to have those differing views...we will all be alright in the end.

Maybe, for at least the time being, you and your son should sit down and make an agreement to NOT talk about politics when you are together. Make an agreement to agree to disagree, and leave it at that. If each of you respect that, and stay away from the touchy political subject.....then maybe that would help him to have one less thing to wind up getting angry about, and you could have the same, plus one less thing to stress you and help to cause your Depression to fire up. I believe that each one of you loves the other, and that neither one really enjoys the arguments and fights and harsh feelings that wind up happening over political discussions. Each one of you just has to realize, recognize and respect that the other is NOT going to believe the same way, and is NOT going to allow the other to sway them in their convictions. Again, I think that your son is a chip of the Vic Block, and is very stubborn and determined when he sets him mind to something. Like his father, he will hold on and refuse to have someone tell him that he needs to believe or think differently.

One last thing that I want to say here...and that is kinda repeating myself again (as I know I have already done a few times here..LOL), is this; I think that you son, like myself, being born during the time that we were, and being raised by "hippies" in what ever guise they tried to wear when the got older (talking about my Dad here....the Econ/Finance reformed Republican Prof. LOL), had the benefit to be raised as Free Thinkers, and with the convictions to believe what we believe for whatever reasons that we believe them, and to NOT have ANY problem at all stating those beliefs and standing up for them. Having been raised as we were, I am pretty sure that it is safe to say that gives us a great love for this country of ours, and that you couldn't find more patriotic people if you tried. We love this country, and we love the Rights that we have because of living in this country. We know that we are entitled to believe as we see fit, no matter who disagrees with us, and we refuse to be swayed from standing up for those beliefs. Much like our parents did, since it was THEM ( folks...) that raised us to know that we are free to believe in what we like, and to support what we think is best, and Woe Unto ANYONE that tries to tell us differently! ROFL...probably, you son and I have another thing in common, as we were both raised by very STUBBORN parent/s, and that stubborn streak was passed down to us. You know how it is to be stubborn Vic; the more that someone tries to tell you that you are wrong, or that you should or shouldn't do something...the more that you try to prove other wise and will fight even harder against "change"..some times when that change might really be the best thing. LOL, I know that I have been guilty of that, myself. Haven't you?

Anyway...I hope that when things calm and cool down between you and your son, you both can see that there are bigger things worth fighting each other about. Pick and choose your battles, Vic. You and I have LOTS of things that are more important to fight and battle against on a daily basis. We don't need to battle our loved ones over things that...when you get down the fact of the matter...are a drop in the bucket when sized up to all of the other problems that we have going on. You son is who he is. You love him. He loves you. It doesn't matter who is an Independent, Democrat, Republican, Green, Libertarian, or Constitutionalian ( that how you would say that? Members of the Constitution Party??)..or not. Political views are different between each and every person...and come in so many different "Flavors". They should not matter when it comes to loving someone, and wanting to have a good relationship with that someone....Do they?

Ok. I am putting up my Soap Box for now (I would have put the little smiley soap bax guy here, but he looks like he is MAD and hollering! I am not mad, nor am I hollering. LOL. We need another soap box guy...or "preacher" or something. What do you think? ROFLAMO!). I just felt that I needed to say something here, because I really hate to hear you sounding so upset and depressed. I hope that you and your son can come up with some sort of agreement to disagree with each other, and to understand that it is ALRIGHT to do so...and that no one is going to get all upset and angry and stop talking to anyone. That maybe you all can just kinda make the whole "Political Thing" taboo and off topic, at least for now, and respect each other for the men of convictions that you both are. I do hope that you all will be able to continue to do that, even in the upcoming Election Year, and that you all just don't even ask each other who or what the other is voting for or against or whatever. I would hate to see you all not be able to talk to each other about things that are more important to you both, and your family.

Ok. REALLY shutting up now. I hope that I haven't upset I don't mean to do that in the least. I hope you know that by now..right?

Lots of Love and
Jose <---who also believes in what she believes in, but won't fight about it with people that she cares about! LOL
"Be Excellent to each other." ~Bill S. Preston, Esq. & Ted "Theodore" Logan

"It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." ~Albus Dumbledore
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