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Old 11-01-2012, 11:00 AM
cb61998a cb61998a is offline
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cb61998a cb61998a is offline
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Originally Posted by Bryanna View Post
Hi Christy,

I find it difficult to believe that the infection and bone loss did not show up on the xrays and scans. The purpose of those things is to check the health and dimension of the bone. So certainly any "massive" infection would have undoubtedly been picked up prior to the extractions. Sometimes, the size and areas of infection become more prevalent during the oral surgery. Perhaps that is what the oral surgeon meant about his findings at the time of surgery???

In my opinion, the decision to place implants in the jawbone at the time of extractions depends on the health of the bone.... period. If it is not healthy, in my opinion, the implants should not be placed at that time. Some surgeons will wait, others don't. Even the placement of bone graft material in unhealthy bone is not ideal.... again my opinion.

Anyplace else in the body... hips, knees, shoulders, etc... bone grafting and artificial replacements are not done until the infection is cleared. If those surgeries are rushed into, infection always prevails and the patient ends up needing additional surgeries. So why do dentists think of the mouth as being any different?? I have no idea :/

The issues that you have with your stomach... the inflammation, the bleeding.... all compromise your immune system. So any additional irritant to your immune system is going to cause you more problems than in someone who does not have your other physical issues.

May I ask....why you have inflammation around the staples that were used for your gastric bypass? Could you be allergic to the metal? I wonder about this because I believe surgical staples are titanium and most dental implants are also titanium. IF all of that is accurate then you could be having a reaction to the metal implants which could be part of what is going on right now. Does the oral surgeon know about the inflammation around the surgical staples? If not, he should be informed of that.

I too am not a big fan of the ER unless absolutely necessary, especially for dental issues. I totally understand why you would want to avoid that if possible. I think it would be wise to see the oral surgeon tomorrow and be sure to inform him of the staple issue and whatever side effects you are having with the clindamycin.

Christy, please keep us informed of how you are doing. Try not to worry
okay ~'.'~

Hi Bryana,

Well, here it is 3 wks since my initial visit to the oral surgeon... I still can not eat anything other than cottage cheese or mushed food..all of which is starting to make me gag... (On the plus size, I have dropped down 2 pants sizes). I went in the following Monday, after first posting here (about the gum area around/over the implanted post coming open), and have already gone back for ANOTHER VISIT AS WELL..On the first visit, the oral surgeon said it was perfectly fine that it had opened up like that & it would actually be better for me in the long run since he wouldn't have to open it back again when having to "finish up" in a few months... I voiced concerns over food, bacteria, etc., & he said...If I had just let him finish... That's why he was going to tell me to continue rinsing w/ the blue rinse & once the sutures were removed to brush it w/ a soft bristle toothbrush... I went back on Monday 10/29/2012 & had the sutures removed & he did admit to seeing the infection but still stands firm in his belief that its best for the patient, in the long run, to have everything done at once... Even though I made sure to inform him & my general dentist that I only wanted to have the teeth extracted, let everything heal while I wore my dentures & then come back later for post placement etc... See, I had planned a trip for out of the Country for a month and yes I even informed both Dentists of my plans & I was assured they could everything done & I would be ready for my trip...HA! The 3rd planned departure date is coming fast & I don't think I'll get to go...ever! And get this... He said for me to just "sit" my dentures in on the bottom when I go out in public & that I can NOT use any kind of adhesive to hold them in place until the posts are set...So, what, I can't eat for another 2,3 or 4 months?? I'll be dead by then... I personally feel like the oral surgeon wanted to do the extractions so he could get that money on top of the money for the post placement and really didn't/ doesn't care about my well being...I can't wear the dentures b/c the general dentist that made them & does the adjustments won't make them to actually sit down onto my gums but rather they are propping up on the inside, under my tongue & the outside of the gums more so on my cheek which put pressure on the good side that wasnt open & started to pull it open, so I just took them out...W/out adhesive, I can't eat b/c they won't stay in place..heck, I can't even talk w/out them falling out... I feel like I was taken advantage of b/c these 2 Dentists refer their patients to each other for this kind of work & if you use the 2 of them, they give you a "discounted" price...
As far as my stomach, I have reflux and take many med's so they feel that's why it stays irritated all over (& where the gastric bypass was done is from my understanding just more susceptible..??) I have seasonal allergies & I am allergic to cats, dogs, fragrances, pollen, and the only time I have trouble w/ metal is jewelry...if its not sterling silver, gold or hypo-allergenic...then I break out w/ a rash & itch... Not sure about the staples, never even thought about it.... I have thought about an the airport... LOL ...It seems to be getting better at a much faster rate since the sutures were removed!! Thanks SO much for your time with this whole mess!! I really appreciate it!! Hope you have a great weekend!!
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