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Old 11-28-2012, 11:36 AM
Bearpaw Bearpaw is offline
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Bearpaw Bearpaw is offline
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Originally Posted by Beanogirl View Post
Hello everyone! I'm new to all of this and can use some support & guidance. I'll tell you a little about myself. I'm 32 years old. I have 2 children. I have a history of anxiety that started in college. Right after my daughter was born I was walking up the steps in my house and had this overwhelming sense of deja vu. It's like I caught a glimpse of a t.v show in my head that was familiar to me but I couldn't place it. I had tingling throughout my body, smelled something unpleasant (again familiar but couldn't place it) and after wards felt nauseous. Because I had nothing else to compare it to I thought it was anxiety related. Fast forward 4 years and I am still having them. They only last about 30 sec to a minute. I will have 3 of them in a weeks time and then nothing for a month or longer (I never recorded them b/c I thought they were anxiety related). I'm now pregnant with my 3rd child and had 4 episodes 2 weeks ago. I decided to write down all my symptoms to talk to my Dr. about it. I never brought it up before b/c I felt crazy saying "deja vu". I did an Internet search for anxiety with deja vu and it came up with a forum and a lady was describing her simple partial seizures that were misdiagnosed as anxiety and depression. I did a search for simple partial seizures and almost fainted when I seen all my symptoms matched. I made an appt. with a neurologist and she confirmed that she thinks I am also having them. I go for an EEG next week and she said I am not allowed to drive until we get them under control. I'm a stay at home mom in a rural area. I am having trouble getting my children to school, getting myself to all my dr. appts. (My husband works long hours). I am very scared and feeling a little lost. Any advice on meds, how long until I can drive again, what tests I can expect, anything would be appreciated. Thank you for reading.
Hello there, I am having similar symptoms, I am very scared and willing to share info with you anytime.
For the past 2 years. I have been having these spells. After an EEG which did not show much other than a bit of frontal lobe slowing, the doctor says they are probably "simple partial seizures". To describe them: first I get a sense of deja-vu then a weird sensation goes over my chest, then I can't understand what people are saying for a bit too, it lasts for about 1 min or so. I get them at different times, I may have 1 in a month or 30. They come at odd times, I get very bad headaches and memory loss and sometimes my words are mixed up a little.
I had my Sleep deprived EEG . While i was there I had one of my "spells" which is a good thing i guess. At the end the technician brought in a neurologist to talk to me. He said that I have definite epileptic seizure activity that will need more looking into. They will have to do an MRI for that soon. He said it could be scar tissue from something that happened to me at birth or early childhood. There are other things it could be. He said that my slight memory loss and my jumble words when I speak are also caused by this. I have been on different meds for over a year now and they are obviously not working and they will be getting me on track for that,,, I am also on an anti depressant.
They have taken my drivers license away and I work full time and this has been so difficult. I am told that I need to be seizure free for at least 6 months to a year but in Canada, each province is different on that.
I am taking dilantin 200mg twice a day. I have not had a seizure since middle of Sept.
I hope we can talk more sometime.
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