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Old 12-07-2012, 12:53 PM
rcrrider80 rcrrider80 is offline
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rcrrider80 rcrrider80 is offline
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Default Brain Healthy Diet

Mark in Idaho

I ended up on this sight after a google search into my anger issues and how it may be related to my long history of concussions. I have played almost every "main stream" sport as well as skateboarding, bmx and Motocross. Most of my concussion problems were a result of my bmx and motocross activities.It should be noted that I have always worn top of the line very high dollar helmets such as Arai and Shoei. These helmets have been tested as the best in the world.

Anyhoo, My first concussion that I can recall came before I was 10 yrs old (cant remember exact age). I was reported as briefly losing consiousness and being confused for the remainder of that day and tired for two days. I have since had 6 additional concussions where I have either lost consciousness or had short term amnesia, confusion, sleepyness, etc... I have only been to the hospital to be "officially diagnosed" with a concussion once but I also had two broken bones (wrist, collar bone) so the Doc's concern was on my bones and not my head.

My last concussion was 7 years ago and I was knocked out for a reported 2-3 minutes. I have no recollection of any of the events of this day or two days after except from what I was told by family and friends after the fact. I was reportedly severly disoriented, forgetful, vomitting, unbalanced, sleepy, and bla bla bla, yet no one saw it fit to take me to a doc. I was obviously too out of it to take myself. I reportedly forgot i had just eaten and would continue to eat new plates of food at a cookout that afternoon until someone stopped me after my 6th cheesburger and 4th brat (extremely high volume of food for me....or anyone for that matter)

My concern is that I have sudden out bursts of anger for no apparent reason. These outbursts started about a year after the above final concussion and have steadily gotten more easy to set off and more frequent. I have not seen a specialized doctor about these issues in particular but have discussed this and my other symptoms (headaches, becoming easily dizzy, poor initiative with anything but running, blurry vision at times, trouble concentrating and forgetfullness.) with my general practitioner and my eye doctor (blurry vision). I have had blood tests and extensive eye testing done with nothing being found "abnormal". My dizzyness is so easly triggered that I can not even stand next to a merry go round while I very slowly push my children around it without getting extremely dizzy and nauseous.

These outbursts result in only me yelling and then realizing myself or I have told my wife to remind me there is nothing to be mad about. I then take a minute or several to tell myself its in my head and I am able to move past and am then in a great mood for the other 98% of my day but I tend to have an outbust one to two times a day. I have read it is common to have anger problems as well as a long list of other symptoms and that these symptoms can last for several years or life.

I was very interested in your "Brain Healthy Diet" and take a multivitamin and fish oil daily...since starting these about a year ago I have seen improvement, but want to try other ideas as I am only 30 years old and am worried about what my future holds as far as dementia and the like. I know I laid a ton of info out there but I do not want to spend thousands on a neurologist when from what I have found or heard there is not a whole lot that can be done to help what I am experiencing.

Thanks in advance,
Aaron from Illinois
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