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Old 12-23-2012, 01:48 AM
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Hi, I also have a spinal cord implant, but mine is a Boston Scientific system and it is great. The reps are super and I have no complaints at all. I do not have 100 % pain relief tho. I do get between 85 and 90% relief most of the time. The weather here in chicago has alot to do with my relief level. I am so sorry you were told it would give you 100% relief--not true. There are some other things you can do to help ease pain. Hope you feel better. drcandy
Originally Posted by PABirdlover View Post
I had a Medtronic Pain Stimulator implanted in February. Since then, I have had a great deal of problems, and was wondering if anyone else has? My Knees hurt, my feet are swallen and hurt horribly. My hands are swallen and hurt. The stimulator does not work, in fact, it makes me very ill to be turned on. The pain is worse since the implantation. The representative is very arrogant, and has no intention on assisting without making rolled eyes, and comments; one comment that hurts the most is (after I have been told differently) the temporary stimulator is not the same as the permanent stimulator. I was told prior to having this implanted, if the temp works 100%, the permanent will work as well. Once I had the temp stimulator implanted, I was so excited, because of the fact it did work 100%. I can say now, I wish I would never have listened to the few that said it would work. Because now Medtronics backtracks their statements, and indicates it is not the same, and the fact I am in 100% more pain since prior to the implant. Is anyone able to help me? I am in severe pain, and severe depression over this. My meds are doubled, and the one reason for choosing the permanent stimulator was to get off the meds. Thank you.
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