Thread: Benzodiazepines
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Old 12-30-2012, 12:41 AM
lynnR lynnR is offline
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lynnR lynnR is offline
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Hi my name is Lynn I hope you dont mind if i jump on this thread but i am in a situation right now that involves this. I had a drug overdose 9 months ago and developed panic disorder mildly and then a month later I got in a bus accident where i was thrown several feet and smashed my head. I had a clear MRI but developed very bad panic disorder after this and started to get horrible muscle tension headaches. This put me out of commission for the last 7 months as I went thru a trial and error of all sorts of psych meds to calm the anxiety so that my head could heal. It seemed like the more muscle tension i had the worse the anxiety was. I had horrible experiences on all psych meds. they made me very sick - had a bad run with propanoal, Zoloft, Geodon, Lexapro, Gabapentin- Finally in June i switched to benzos--ativan (.50) a day and then did that for 2 1/2 months and then switched to klonopin for a month and then had horrible feelings of being out of it on that drug and tapered off everything.

Had some very scary sensations while on ativan- like feeling i was gonna faint and weird head rushes and slowed down feelings. it was even more of a nightmare coming off klonopin- severe depersonalziation, dizziness, brain fog fuzziness. I am now 10 weeks off all psych meds and the really horrible thing is because i never have experienced post concussion without meds i dont know if what im experiencing is still withdrawal symptoms or if it is fact what remains of my injury. i am still very dizzy, fuzzy headed, bad brain fog, lightheaded, weird shooting nerve pain through my body, random feelings where my head feels slow and sluggish. All sorts of nasty things.
I know alot of people suffer from benzo withdrawal symptoms that go on for a long time and are similar to post concussion stuff. thats what im worried about. is not knowing which is which.

Do you have any experience with knowing what its like to come off benzos and have a post concussion syndrome? id like to cross my fingers an hope the intensity of what im going thru is benzo withdrawal but honestly i really dont know. its totally destroying my life. im trying to be med free hoping that maybe alot of this stuff was bad side effects to med sensitivity .

All im saying on top of all this is be very careful before starting to take benzos. they may make the situation worse.

would love any info about any of this. alot of these symptoms i never had to this extreme before i got on benzos.. but then again i was almost always on meds from the jump of post concussion so i really dont know.
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