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Old 05-03-2007, 05:12 PM
shiney sue shiney sue is offline
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shiney sue shiney sue is offline
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Default Uhhh

I do,ya just never know now do you. Those were fun times,there
was a lot of therapuical Med, ha going around than,never saw anyone
get arrested firgured the police were standing there getting a contact
high,hmm somebody told me that ii wouldn't know.

Mel i'v been a Diabect for 41 yrs. When i was 19 and in nursing school
in Mi. i was running down the hall and blammm i Thought i was having
a stroke,i couldn't talk,started sweating and wanted my mommie in a big
way..They sent me by ambulance to the hospital,i couldn't talk,could'nt
hear, eyes were blurry,Oh i was a mess. When i got there my husband
was waiting there,oh i thought this will be the last time i'll ever see him
again. Wait a min. i'm a 19 year old 100 lb wonder with a gorgeous husband.

And how did that IV get in my arm,who put this in my arm i demanded!! Oh boy i feel better,grab my husband's hand I'm
fine take me back to school..I hear a deep voice,you want to be a nurse
and you have no interest in what just happened to you?? Me,yes but my,
aww he wasn't going to belive me..Do you relialize you have a very high
sugar level (no stroke) well ok no i didn't!!Well your being admitted right now,
Noo school you will learn here for now,and i'm going to help you live.
Back in those days they didn't get your surgar level down,tell you to see
you family Dr.

They did a no food all night next morning,give you a big cup of what tasted
like orange sugar swallow it,i'm trying swallow it (did anybody call mommie)
There got it down,big deal yuck.Than began 6 hr. glucose tollerance test..
Well this isn't bad,nurse comes back in wow finally going to get food,as she
saids time to get blood ouch,how do you feel great,than not great,awfull,
the whole time she's taking blood and i'm thinking i could teach dance forget
nursing..Oh it's all over want to sleep no now you eat,she left the room
tell my husband you eat it,while he shoves it done my throat then sleep.
Dr. comes in explains everything i thought about diabetes,i was shocked.
There none of that in my family( know you remember insulin as been
only used since 1920,people died young. Well not my people Dr. My husband
sigh!! he did that for years..Before you left the hospital you learned,there
were no metor'ss back then,but you learned till you got it right given a orange
insulin made me throw up..Than the Dr. comes in read those books ,yes sir,
he picked 1 up opened it asked a question,i answered it.Good,now Sue you
are a diabetic will always be one and there ways to control it but you
must control it.

I did by a diabetic diet,i took it very serious,my husband went on it my children. I totally credit the Dr.but even more the diatetian's who over the
years helped me..8 yrs. ago when my husband passed away,my drug of
choice was food,i ate my way up to 200 lbs my kids said please stop Mom.
i was getting sicker and sicker by the time i stopped,almost 3 yrs. although
i was put on oral insulin,did not loose weight right away,last year went out for
dinner in dibectic shoe's and socks came home 3 hrs. later tried to take off
my sock couldn't.Got Bob and girlfriend to get me to the hospital.They had to
knock me out to get that sock off..Oh forgot i was in a wheelchair by
then my PN and weight and what ever..I spent 6 weeks in the hospital,
almost lost my foot,got a staff infection,lost 30 lbs, had to have my foot grafted,poor Bob was afraid to go home. Alll my children walked in from out
of town and they cried.So now i'm 90 lbs.lighter i mostly walk on a walker.

Did i know i was getting PN before my husband died yes,i was feeling the pins
burning,so forth..Oh why did my husband stay on that diet with me for all
years,a lot of people had Diabetes in his family. For 5 yrs.after he died i did to.For the next 3 all studies done here and then again at Mayo!!
13 yrs.before i found out i had Sogren's Syndrum,who knows..As you know and
I know PN is going to hit dancers, runners.rock climbers..Do i just blame the
Diabetes yes but remember i have polyneuropathys.My sugar stays always
around 90 and i can touch my toes if someone it there to catch me.PN can
mess up your balance,it's in my feet,calfs,hands up to elbow across my back.
Was to many years of being a nurse,i don't know.I also have a tumor on the
adrenaline gland above my kidney,they can mess with you.But when you get
right down to it,for now and unstill some genius comes up with something .

We just do or best you power walk i dance with my walker,Bob dates 4 women..And oh SHOOT my daughter still hasn't had that grandbaby of
mine,do midwife's get paid by the hour,2 days late and counting.
And i never judge any meds. people take as long as there controlled by Dr's.
dalek is right we all deserve just a moment of pain free. That's enough Sue
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