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Old 01-08-2013, 03:41 PM
loretta loretta is offline
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loretta loretta is offline
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Originally Posted by abbeyn93 View Post
Hi there!
I had a hamstring injury 7 months. It still feels weak and sore. I told my doctor my symptoms and he said I have RSD. But I don't know if I believe it (maybe it's denial or just an incorrect diagnosis.)

My symptoms:
  • muscle weakness in hamstring and calf
  • extreme soreness lasting for 1 -2 weeks. If I would move too much, it would turn to burning pain.
  • not always in constant pain. I would be pain free sometimes or less noticeable pain, but not for long.
  • able to sleep (so far thankfully))
  • able to wear clothes(though i don't wear tight jeans on my leg) and shower
  • ice provides relief (But i stopped using it because of fear this is RSD)
  • cannot walk or run.
  • no swelling
  • right leg is colder than left leg
  • my right foot has tingling sensations (new symptom)
  • calf had throbbing pain last week but never happened before- only when I attempt to exercise this

I'm seeing a neurologist and an orthopedic to possibly confirm diagnosis or find out if it's something else.

I know everyone is different, but most people on here describe being in severe pain and not being able to wear clothes sometimes. Maybe i'm in the early stages.? I thought I may possibly have a muscle inflammatory disease, myofascia or myalgia or something like that.

I've never screamed in pain. I've experienced awful pain. I have cried sometimes but I'm not sure if this qualifies as RSD.

All i know is that NSAIDS never worked for my pain.

Have you guys experienced similar symptoms? I know you're not doctors but does this sound like RSD to you?
Hi Abbey, I sincerely hope you do not have RSD. It's good you are seeing other Drs. and getting more testing done. As hard as it is, I agree with others the importance of staying mobile and getting pt and keeping range of motion. For me a neuclear bone test confirmed my Drs. RSD diagnosis among other tests. My original diagnosis was at least 4 years after my RSD by an orthopedic dr. across the country. then confirmed by 3 neurologists and another orthopedic dr. that oversaw my PT. Early diagnosis and treatment give you the best shot at remission if you do have RSD-that is on your side. Let us know what your future appointments reveal-If you do have RSD, you will find much comfort and good information here. Hope the best for you. Loretta
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