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Old 01-08-2013, 10:44 PM
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Originally Posted by eSpirit View Post
Hi, how are you doing now? I also had bilateral rib resection, but had two separate surgeries two days apart, my incisions are under my armpits. My surgeries were December 3 & 5 2012, so I am just over a month into recovery and doing pretty well, but still experiencing arm pain, particularly in my elbows.
One week today and I'm doing pretty well. My right side much better than my left. Everything around the incision site feels pretty good unless you press on it. If it were only that, I'd be on no pain killers at all. I have some stronger pain in my back and behind my left shoulder blade. I think my back is where they cut the ribs off on the back side and under the shoulder blade is transferred pain. I also have some tightness and stronger pain right next to my left armpit in the front where the pec minor is. Not sure what that's about. I do get some pain down my left arm especially when I tighten things up or extend it out from my body in any way. I think this will pass with time, it doesn't feel like the radiating pain before surgery. I get intermittent numbness in both my forearms that I assume is from post-surgical swelling? Not sure, but again, since it's not all the time I think it's part of the healing process.
My hands no longer feel like I need to "wring them out" and my arms/hands feel a LOT warmer these days. To the point that sometimes it's uncomfortably weird. I'll get over it My left arm always needs to be supported, my right arm does not. I do have a lot of tightness in all of my neck muscles that usually baclofen deals with, but sometimes doesn't. It's a weird sensation since they didn't take the scalenes, they just let them kinda...hang in the wind. I also have a visible "collapsed in" portion of my chest under the clavicle. It really makes me sick to look at. I don't know that anyone else would notice it if they weren't looking at it but I'm hoping it's more of an optical illusion due to swelling rather than really being sunken in because of the lack of rib there. Or at least that I'll get over it!
Overall, I'd say I'm healing fast and that I think this will be a good thing once all is said and done. It makes me a little nervous that my left side is so much worse than my right but I'm going to give it time before I freak too much. My left side was much more symptomatic and there was muscle wasting so it was not in as good shape. It was also not my dominant side so I'm going to assume that it's just going to take a little more work to get it where it needs to me. I hear that the better shape you're in, the easier and faster you heal. So it would make sense that my right side is doing better than my left.

I'd love to hear how you're doing a month out now so I can have an idea of what to look forward to. I just have a nagging feeling that I'm going to need a pec minor tenectomy on my left side and that maybe these scalenes are going to have to be removed in the end. Crossing my fingers that I'm just being a bit of a hypochondriac after having so many issues for so long!!
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