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Old 01-11-2013, 09:47 PM
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BetsyAnn BetsyAnn is offline
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Originally Posted by Porkette View Post
Hi BestyAnn,

I can't help but wonder if you are having a aura (simple partial) sz. when you get the feeling in your stomach that leads into either a complex partial or tonic clonic (grand mal) sz.
If I may ask do you ever see colors in your eyes before you blank out? If you do it could be a complex partial sz. and if the sz. last for a long time it could be a tonic clonic sz.
The spikes your Dr. is seeing is the electrical activity going on in your brain and from what you described as abnormal spikes meaning that at certain areas of your brain there's to much electricial activity and the spikes cause the neurons to fire up and trigger a seizure for you. The best way to describe it is to think of lightening that you see during a thunderstorm. This is whats happening in your brain and it's triggering seizures. You should start keeping track of your seizures and get a calendar write down what time the seizure started and if it lasts over 15 min. then describe the seizure. By doing this the neuro may see a pattern in your seizures. I often have them when there's a low pressure in the weather, stress or lack of sleep. Try taking vitamin B12 1000 mcg once a day this will help calm your nerves down and it may decrease your seizures. I wish you the very best and May God Bless You!

Thanks, Porkette I guess my question was, are the 'abnormal spikes' actually seizure activity or are they typical abnormalities seen in someone who is known to have seizures?

I don't blank out, I never even considered seizures as a possibility. I went to the neuro simply b/c I have odd sensations/pains/etc that are part of neuropathy w/a history of c5-c6 fusion. I tend to chalk up most of my nerve pains and such as 'neck issues'. The seizure dx sort of threw me, I was actually seeing a cardiologist and an endocrinologist to try and figure it out, but they both wrote me off w/no explanations. The neuro was the one who was intrigued and wanted to find an answer.

I do/did get auras w/migraines, mostly a blind spot that would grow and block my vision, then decrease and turn into pain. I went many years w/o migraines, but the most recent one I had was pretty colorful, like a kaleidoscope blocking my vision instead of a gray area. These adrenaline/cardiac events don't feel anything like that, and I haven't had a certain one in about 1 1/2 years. Then again, I don't know for sure I'm having an episode unless my HR goes over 120, sometimes I get small sensations but since they haven't turned into full blown craziness, I blow them off. Times of heightened stress (like grandmother dying, or when I got hit by a car) I have felt 'surges' but those were not really that unexpected. So I just don't know.

I am now taking a b12 supplement
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