Thread: Back again
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Old 01-19-2013, 09:45 AM
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Default Back again

Hi all
Don't know if you remember me, I was here a little while ago.
Anyway, I slowly went crazy, I already told my docs my feelings and thoughts got weirder by the day, due to the nice prednison. Still nobody listened.
In the end I gained 35 kg in mostly water (even my face has purple straie), had diabetes, all kinds of problems and went totally crazy. I deleted my account here because I was convinced someone would break in, use it for criminal stuff, I would end up in jail being raped and being apart from my loved ones. For real!
I started hearing voices, and seeinf things that weren't there.
Yeah, so kind of a psychosis you may say...all because of a few of those lovely little pink pills!!
I locked myself up in the bathroom for most of the day, crying and being weird.

Anyway,. I lowered the prednison dosage...and what a wonderful thing it was: I slowely got more and more my own head and thoughts back!
So, I'm happy to say Im not prednisone crazy anymore, but what a terrible thing that is!
I still have anxiety attacks and depression sometimes, but not up to that absurd point where you believe your only option is to kill yourself. I am still on a fair amount of prednison, but lowering more is not an option, I wouldnt be able to breath.

But, now my MG is back quite severe. One of my eyes is totally closed, I can't walk, dress myself, eat or drink normal food, my speech is like "are you having a stroke or are you drunk" and Im out of breath all the time.
So that kind of sucks, but still, I got myself back
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