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Old 02-02-2013, 03:16 PM
loretta loretta is offline
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loretta loretta is offline
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Originally Posted by sam71 View Post

I'm so very glad you folks are here!

I was diagnosed with CRPS after spraining my wrist last fall. I've since been on a search for a doctor who could help me. The pain and electric shocks have spread through my entire body. I've been experiencing weakness in my legs and hands (walking through the grocery store is a chore) ...and strange sensations in my face (including numbness, and electric shocks that extend into my left eye. Also, I have this horrible jaw pain that leaves me in tears and feels like someone is trying to pry my jaw off my face). Oh, and let's not forget the incredible headaches that render me useless! (The list goes on and on, and extends back to childhood -- but have intensified since my wrist injury).

I saw a rheumatologist today (highly recommended by some folks she's had success in treating). She doesn't believe I have CRPS...she said everything I've described (and my physical exam), are more consistent with MS then anything else. She took 5 vials of blood and is referring me on to a neuro. Of course, she was not able to give me a diagnoses of MS...and said that it can be quite a process to get a conclusive answer.

The internet can be a dangerous thing...I did some reading on MS earlier in the week. I had a feeling that it may actually be what I have. Still, I went to the doctor with an open mind, I told her my symptoms and didn't mention what I "think" it could be (it's her job to make the diagnoses, not mine).

Even though I was pretty sure she would lean towards MS. It was still quite a shock to actually hear it mentioned. I've been in this weird funk all day (some of which may just be all the blood they took). I'm trying to stay positive, keep a sense of humor, and not get too worked up over something that hasn't been determined.

I wonder if MS symptoms increase with stress. I know the CRPS can. All of my symptoms increases coincide not only with the wrist injury...but with the end of a 20 year relationship, adjusting to life as a single mother and some other major life events.

I just needed to share my experience. I appreciate you being here to give me a safe place to do that!

Hi Sam, This is a wonderful 'safe place' isn't it. So many caring supportive friends also struggling with their health issues as well as personal issues. No wonder they go hand in hand.
Because MS is an autoimmune disorder, my guess would be YES- stress would increase symptoms. I, personally don't have any knowledge of MS, but there is a forum on MS on Neurotalk.
Sounds like further testing is a good thing for you. I do know it's possible to have more than one diagnosis. Like I have CRPS/RSD and Trigeminal Neuralgia.
I find much comfort on this forum. Also find that knowledge is very powerful and so important in taking charge of our health. Keeping a copy of all your tests, blood work etc. gives you a reference to do your own research and compare your tests results to standards of normal. I have a file of all my tests etc. That way I can see how I am doing compared to 6 months or a year ago.
I totally agree with you on the 'being scared' with information on health issues. But hiding from information of possible disorders is even scarier. Knowledge is power and taking charge of our health care is a good thing. Sounds like you have been thru a lot. Seeking support is a good thing. Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing. loretta
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