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Old 02-13-2013, 04:51 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2013
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Default Neuropsychiatric evaluation

Mark in Idaho,
I applied for disability with a lawyer and went to the alj level and was denied. I applied with chronic pain in neck, head, back and down my left leg, I had acute liver and kidney failure from an accidental overdose of acetaminophen. Liver dysfunction, degenerative disc disease with bulging disc hitting nerve root, hernia , chronic migraines and hypoglycemia. I had numerous episodes with the hypoglycemia where I passed out and hit head on concrete, PTSD and anxiety/panic disorder.
Social security says I have not seen enough doctors/ specialists for how bad I am claiming problems are.
So I went to a neurologist and he diagnosed me with Post concussive syndrome manifested by cognitive impairment, chronic pain and fatigue. Also, REM sleep behavior disorder, nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (did not know I was having this until I got woke up and was having a seizure) chronic migraine with nausea/vertigo and episodes of syncope that may be vasovagal in nature. The neurologist said that a neuropsychiatric evaluation would be helpful in documenting level of disability for the purposes of disability application. That is why I am going for the neuropsych evaluation. I did not realize all these other problems were from hitting my head I thought it was because of having pain all the time. In 2006 I was hit on the freeway and was knocked out. After this accident the chronic pain started as well as problems with dressing myself, having trouble putting outfits together, using toothbrush, hairbrush, blow dryer, fork, forgetting how to cook, forgetting if i paid bills, forgetting if i had taken medication etc. not being able to do normal things. Work was so embarrassing. Ihad slurred speech a lot, did not act appropriately, could not remember faces, names and other things. My employer and clients thought I was drunk or on drugs. I cannot go back to a work environment. Besides the fact that I could not show up or do the job. People make fun of me. They do not understand that I am injured. I pass out in public. I am afraid to leave my is noticeable to others. I hope this will get me on disability. I truly need it.
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