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Old 03-10-2013, 10:10 AM
KathyUK KathyUK is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
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KathyUK KathyUK is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
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10 yr Member

Originally Posted by ginnie View Post
I am so sorry that you are having these problems. The med. you ditched, I did also, as it effected my mood and did nothing for my PN.
My son is an OPT. That route is a good way to go, but you need more than that. You need to find a doctor in sink with what you need in medications. It sounds like your needs aren't being addressed adequately, or you are not being listened to.
I know it hurts to move around, but this is the best path to more independant living. If you can get regular physical therapy as well, that may help with your mobility. You will loose weight if you get a bit more active. I sit in the garden on my butt to do the gardening. There really is a benefit to any hobby you engage in. I did loose weight, and found I could walk alot better when I did. I sure wish you all the best Kathy. Your husband is wonderful, and I am glad you have him in your corner. ginnie
Ginnie you're amazing, thanks for the reply. You're right that Baz is a diamond, I couldn't have got through any of this without him.

I had a good night the night before last for pain, the nefopam worked wonders for the first time. I laid in bed with an icepack on my heels and watched a film while I was comfy, sounds like nothing but it made everything better for a couple of hours. Didn't last long but it was still worth it!

Went out yesterday, saw some family I haven't seen in over 10 years - weird but good. After that my sister offered to take me to Ikea for stuff for the house. We spend hours there normally and I was a bit nervous but knew I could use the trolley as a walking aid lol. On the way to get into the car, I slipped on some mud and went flying. Landed on my bum and my wrist, and twisted my ankle. I was covered in mud and my daughter and niece were straight to me to try and help, but were holding back the giggles. My sister saw I had fallen and rushed to help me and did exactly the same thing. That was it, we were hysterically laughing more from the shock than anything, but we looked a right state! Covered in mud and laughing like madwomen. It was strange but apart from my ankle I didn't hurt at that point, so we got cleaned up and went to Ikea. It was at that point the pain hit and I was very sore last night. I thought I had torn my ankle but I can put weight on it so I can't have. Sharp pains up my shin but I think it's just been "shocked". My coccyx is killing, but I am REALLY lucky my back wasn't hurt more.

Today is Mother's Day and my kids have surprised me with gifts and spending the day with me (they're normally out with friends). It has been lovely! I don't need gifts, just them to be happy and safe because that's what matters to me. My back is very sore but they're insisting I rest after the fall. I am going to try for a gentle walk with the dog later. I think that's the key to the exercise, because the dog needs to lose weight too and it doesn't take much to go to the park, let her off for a game of fetch to wear her out and they have benches to break the walk up. Polo (the dog) is also very aware of when I'm sore as she's a little nurturer and worrier! She never pulls when I'm unsteady or slow. It's not far from home either (and daft as it sounds it's also handy that the hospital is on the other side, as we've had to go there from the park before haha!). I will make sure someone's with me to be safe though. It does hurt to move around but when it makes someone I care for happy, it's worth it. The park walk is a good one because everyone loves going, Polo goes crackers for a game of fetch and that makes everyone happy. She's known for being a bit of a stresshead, so when she's genuinely joyful and giddy, it is lovely to watch her relax and have fun - she's a rescue dog so she deserves all the fun we can give her.

I'm gabbling now, probably the nefopam, possibly the chocolate too lol. Thanks for the reply, I hope you're ok? Happy Mother's Day to the mummies out there too.
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