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Old 03-16-2013, 07:17 PM
Synnove Synnove is offline
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Synnove Synnove is offline
Join Date: Jan 2013
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Originally Posted by Synnove View Post
Hi Marie 33
I take Lyrica 100 mg in the morning, 100 mg at 2 pm, and 200 mg at bed time. Lately, this not completely control my pain. So the doctor has told me yesterday I can increase the dose with another 100 mg in afternoon. I have not tried that yet, that is a very high dose. The maximum dose, the doctor said, is 600 mg daily, but that is very high, usually it is 400 mg a day.
I have recently seen a neurologist that is a teaching professor in neurpathy. He has sceduled some tests. I hope this doctor can help me find the cause for this terrible neuropathy. The most scary and disturbing, is the same as you also have, the vibratin buzzy feeling that I feel coming down my back and vibrating in torso. This new doctor told me that this symptom is also neuropathy. I also have leucocytoclastic vasculitis, and have a rheumotologist that is treating me and so far, we really have not found any other autoimmune disorder, other that I do have hypothyroidism. And I do have old herniated cervical disc.
Yes, I find the Xanax helps me at bed time. I have had many, many sleepless nights due to vibrating and buzzing in body, and burning all over.

How are your symptoms with the vibrations in torso? Do you have an autoimmune disease? Do you have any muscular disease? What testing did you have?

Hi Synnove
Sorry you are suffern with this horribe "disease". You are on a high dose of lyrica, with not much relief. I thought 400 was the max. Do you have any side effects? I can not get past 100 day! My neuro/doc wants me to start amytryptiline (elavil) start at 10mgs. Have you tryed Elavil this yet? maybe you should consider tryn elavil instead of increasing your Lyrica, seems you are already "maxed" out and its not helping you too much. They say elavil can help you sleep too..
I get terrible painful pins & needles in my legs mostly. Sometimes the pins & needles feel so "tight" , it gets so painful. I also get buzzing and tinglin in my legs ,its not in my torso, but I feel buzzing up and down both legs and sometimes it feels like vibratory feelings in my legs..uugh! I also get Painful pins & needles in my fingers & toes, burning under my feet, even burning patch-like feelings on my back and on my stomach. Im startn to feel tinglin on right side of face and around my lips amd inside my mouth. Im a mess..Its not everyday but its constant and sypmtoms move around!

I had many, many tests (since 2011) so much bloodwork in the last 2 yrs and more tests done recently, (except for the Athena Lab bloodwork-which is supposed to help find hereditary markers).Everything comes back NORMAL. I do not have any autoimmune disease, no muscular disease, twice I had EMG & NCS, both times a yr apart were normal. I feel well , I have strenght but have all this pain , this is ruining my life! Finally in Oct 2012 my Neuro did punch skin biopsy, that showed My SFN!! normal range is 5.6 and above, my test showed 4.70. No other signs of any diseases or disoders. I guess I am fortunate in that way, but I am suffern with so many symptoms and still have no cause!! I live in pain and fear from day to day not knowing where this Beast will progress too. So far no autonomic sypmtoms, but lately I have been feeling little bouts of feeling warm & sweaty even when its not warm in the room, guess its startn to mes with my sweat glands(?)..hmmm.

Hope your doing better today, How do you like your "teaching professor?" I have been to 6 Neurologist , I Live in Long Island NY, I have been to the South Shore and now im seeing a "teaching" Neurologist on the North Shore at Stony Brook Univ. I have an appt for 3/20 with a Neurologist at Cornell/Weil Mediical Ctr in NYC., Im actually contemplating if I should go! Where do you live? Can you relate to any of this crap!! No ryhme or reason..just suffern that has taking away my quality of life sorry this is so long....
Hi Marie33
I have had EMG some time ago, negative. I started to feel real sick with a lot of different symptoms later on. Now I have a lot of numbness. Numbness has increased over the last few months. Now I have numbness up to knees. Urinary problems has increased, due to neurogenic bladder. I have had MRA s of head, neck and brain to rule out systemic vasculitis, negative, thank God. I have had ct scan of lungs. Latest, I had bronchoscopy, it showed some bilateral bronchial stenosis. I have had cardiac work up. Now I am waiting and hoping this new neurologist can find the reason for my neuropathy. I am sceduled for EMG of , I think all 4 extremeties. We did discuss regarding a nerve biopsy. I want that biopsy, it might help in diagnosins. When the burning pain first started, the rheumatologist prescribed Neurontin, than she later changed it to Lyrica. Now that is not holding And this medicine do cause dizziness. And it is expensive.
I hope we all get better sooner than later.
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