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Old 03-21-2013, 08:51 PM
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Just sounds like typical courtroom tactics. They don't have anything to PROVE you don't have CRPS so they're going to go after the lack of evidence of something as proof in and of itself. All you can do is go in prepared. If they make a comment about the degree of muscle wasting or question you on such things just stay calm and explain your regular exercise routine just to keep yourself at the level you are. Of course they will try to use that to say that if you can do the exercises then blah blah blah. Just keep calm and be prepared. At the end of the day all you can do is tell the truth and trust in your attorney to present the strongest case possible. A judge/jury (not sure what sort of court case you have) isn't going to know all the details about CRPS so you just have to make sure you provide all the information they need to make a proper decision. Try your best to anticipate their arguments and have the evidence, doctor's opinions, etc ready to prove that their case is BS and holds no water.

It's very important that your try to establish what CRPS is and how it is diagnosed (clinical diagnosis vs. there being any ONE test that can prove you have it or not). Every case is different so you not having a particular symptom doesn't prove anything one way or the other. You know this, I know this, everyone on here knows this...but the person making a decision about your case NEEDS to know this and it's on you and your team to make sure they understand how this works.

And I cannot stress enough...don't let them push your buttons in court or allow them to ruffle your feathers. Stay calm and respond to all questions honestly and fully. It's hard...but just prepare yourself for the worst.

My only experience with this is with work comp...and it sucked. One judge ruled strongly in my favor then work comp appealed and they significantly reduced my reward. So WE appealed and could very honestly be fighting this to this day had I not decided to settle the case and move on (for almost the amount of my original award and 5 times what it was reduced to). The outright LIED in their appeal and there was plenty of evidence that directly contradicted what they said in their brief. about FRUSTRATING.

But just remember that there are things that are in your control and things that are out of your control. Concentrate on the things you CAN control (like being prepared, staying calm, getting all your ducks in a row, etc) and don't worry about those things that your can't control (like what the other side is going to say or do). Worrying about those things will only stress you out and make your pain worse.

Take care and good luck.
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