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Old 04-11-2013, 11:20 PM
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Well Yes I do have a bit of Type A in me. Sorry I meant M.A as in Masters Grad Program. I admit I'm having problems coming to terms with what has happened to me especially since it was a non accidental situation. But I'll get there.

Yes I do think my depression and diet has helped the situation as well. I've honestly been eating a lot of sugar high fat and high white carb diet thus the 35 pound weight gain and have been pondering a cleanse or going on a gluten free diet. Ive read a lot about concussion diets and foods good for the brain. What do you think about them? Will it really make a difference in the healing process? Thanks Mark ! Thanks everyone for the support.

Originally Posted by Mark in Idaho View Post

When you say M.A. program, are you meaning Masters grad work ? or is there another meaning to M.A. ?

Even though you are opposed to meds, I suggest you consider meds as a safer alternative to 35 pounds of weight gain. I am opposed to anxiolitics (benzos, Xanax, Valium, etc) but there are meds that can help you get past you current struggles with limited risks.

What doses of B vitamins and anti-oxidants are you taking daily ?

I bet you are a Type A personality. They usually struggle the most as their life gets shut down by PCS. The struggle to redirect that Type A energy can be difficult. Note that my signature verse is about transitioning from a Type A to a less stressed life. Achievement is great but at what cost ?
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