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Old 04-19-2013, 02:06 AM
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Hope everyone reading this finds themselves well and in great spirits. I'm new around here but have been reading the threads for awhile now and I really like it here.

I don't know exactly what is wrong with me. I haven't been diagnosed. To give a brief rundown I suffer from, what I believe may be, panic attacks. First one occurred 6 years ago where I called 911 for an ambulance and thought I was having a heart attack. A quick talk with a psych they had on staff quickly prescribed me Zoloft and Klonopin. I took these for about a week and never again. Visited with my MD and explained how I was beginning to feel a great unbalance around a special time of the month, more anxiety than usual etc... he told me to promise to go see a psych and prescribed more medications. I never went ahead with the psych (until recently) and kept the pills without actually taking them, having them in the medicine cabinet (till this day) provides a sense of relief rather than taking them and dealing with side-effects I don't find very pleasant.

A lot of my symptoms are very similar to bipolar disorder, manic depressive. I'm a 33 year old female and for some reason I'm really realizing that something is wrong with me now. I visited with a psychologist for the first time about a month and a half ago, I suffered a car accident on Christmas and I feel like that has thrown me into a whirlwind of depression. The psychologist told me to write, nothing else, just write. I go and see her and talk and talk and that's it. I haven't scheduled to see her soon because I'm afraid I've run out of what to say. Sounds weird but its true.

I've found recently that Magnesium has helped immensely. I'm always on the threads reading and jotting down notes here and there and I read about Magnesium. I ordered the Doctor's Best, Magnesium, High Absorption, 100% Chelated (Magnesium (elemental) (from 2,000 mg magnesium glycinate/lysinate chelate) I take two pills everyday and I've found that it helps me feel calm and more focused.

The discovery of Magnesium prompted me to embark on a full on search of what else I may be missing and I've gone on and ordered a bunch of other stuff that I have been taking but I found that now I'm up at 2:30am unable to sleep. I took Life Enhancement, Serene Tranquility Night with Tryptophan before bed and was asleep by 10pm but woke up shortly after 1am. No more of this for me, I don't like anything that interrupts my sleep.

For now I'm going to stick with a daily dose of Life Enhancement, Serene Tranquility Day with 5-HTP, L-Glutamine, Magnesium and Fish Oil. I'm really hoping that long-term use will hopefully stabilize my moods a bit. I've had difficulty keeping jobs and relationships in tact all my life and it isn't until now that I think I may be the problem. It's just been the same story one too many times. I'm also a long-term use marijuana smoker and I am focused on stopping. I'm reading now that marijuana use may have long-term psych. effects. I have tried to stop many times but I've just now realized that it entails having to cut-out certain friendships, I just need to get started on those steps soon as well as prepare myself for the moods and madness that shortly occurs after days of non-use.

I really want to thank everyone who takes the time out to read this. I have been wanting to post for quite some time but some days I'm not as clear and the words just don't come out right. I also don't write as well as most but hopefully I did a good job in painting a vivid picture of myself.
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