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Old 04-19-2013, 07:20 PM
Rayandnay Rayandnay is offline
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Rayandnay Rayandnay is offline
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Originally Posted by finz View Post
The specific comment from me to Ray was a direct rebuttal to his reponse of "If they see you laid out on a bench or your feet propped up, now they will say you are putting on, you can't win, everyone has good days and bad ones."

to my comment "For instance, if an applicant's (and I'm absolutely not saying this is you, just an example of what could go wrong) documentation says they can ONLY sit up for an hour, but the judge sees them sitting, in no apparent distress, for 2 hours in the waiting room, then walking into the courtroom and sitting for the 1/2 proceedings, they might think the doctor who said that person could only tolerate being out of bed for one hour was exaggerating the patient's condition."

and is absolutely no reflection on your case, BP.

Ray states that if you accomodate your disability during your ALJ hearing, you WILL be judged as faking it, implying that is an excuse to exagerrate symptoms. There is NO evidence that ALL ALJ judges discriminate in that way. Suggesting that because we all have good days and bad days, it would be okay to exaggerate symptoms IS immoral and illegal.
You are making too much out of a statement, almost like its more about you rather than the issue at hand, no one said anything about faking it. As far as alj discrimination, just google Quuens,Ny, and you will see how real it is.
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