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Old 04-22-2013, 07:49 AM
Bob Dawson Bob Dawson is offline
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Bob Dawson Bob Dawson is offline
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Default We are the world? Well, double Woodstock at the least

The Alltrials campaign was started by two people in Britain.

This petition is seeking a million signatures from around the world.

It is difficult to get 10,000 signatures. A million is Mirapexy obsessive.

There is the added difficulty: the topic is obscure to most people. Clinical trials? Is that a court of law? Publish their science papers? Pretty boring stuff.

And yet, we want one million signatures, from around the world, to be presented to every serious government in the world. (We are not going to parachute into North Korea. At least, not on this mission).

Are there a million people willing to stand up and be counted when confronted with unethical and deadly medical fraud? Can we find those people? (Would those people let me be dictator? Just kidding.)

This is just Phase One. You are not ready for Phase II and the ion generator is still under construction underneath the Himalaya’s. Your marching orders will be sent by carrier pigeon.

47,000 people have signed. And a hundred organisations.

The AllTrials petition has been translated into Albanian, Arabic, Basque, Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish

And so it begins. It is no longer just British. Every patient organization in the world should sign up; and also, doctors, pharma of the future, caregivers, and just-plain-folks.

COME ON U.S.A. Your future doctors have already joined; your present doctors should join too.

American Medical Student Association
: AMSA strongly endorses the AllTrials Campaign to make available all clinical trial results for all treatments being currently used. For over a decade, AMSA has been advocating for medical education and practice that is evidence-based, rather than marketing based. Evidence-based medicine, however, is not possible with the continued allowance of pharmaceutical and device industries to hold hostage key clinical trials that may impact a prescriber’s decision-making ability. AMSA signs onto the AllTrials petition as a crucial step to ensure that the lives of our patients and the integrity of our profession are protected.

was founded as, and remains, an independent publisher committed to the goal of disseminating usable knowledge that lies at the heart of a healthy society. We publish a range of medical journals, many in association with some of the world’s most prestigious societies, and offer a broad spectrum of options, both open access and traditional, for rapid publication of clinical trials results, welcoming both ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ results. We strongly support the call for all clinical trials to be registered and for the full results to be reported in a timely fashion.

U.S.A.: The SLE Lupus Foundation (New York City) is pleased to support the Alltrails petition for transparency in clinical trials. We are the leading private funder of novel research in the autoimmune disease systemic lupus erythematosus and a strong advocate for patient participation in clinical trials. With a desperate need for new treatments for lupus and insufficient enrollment in clinical trials testing new drugs, access to trials results is extremely important for our community.

German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care
supports the campaign for all trials to be registered and the full methods and the results to be reported. IQWiG prepares health technology assessments to support decision making in the German health care system. During the past years we have experienced that full availability of all clinical trials and all information on methods and results of these trials is essential for us to provide unbiased and meaningful assessments. Health technology assessment should be based on a full evidence base and thus requires registration and reporting of all trials, regardless of whether they are conducted by industry, academia, governmental organisations or others.

As the biggest online community for healthcare professionals in China, DXY is devoted to better communication and better quality within the healthcare industry. All clinical trials should be compulsorily registered, and all the individual data should be open for public scrutiny. DXY spares no effort to reveal the truth and propagate its importance and potential benefits to patients, physicians, researchers, and regulators in China.

MedSci signs the petition and strongly endorses AllTrials’ call for all trials to be registered and reported. As the leading academic service provider in China, MedSci offer specific and professional ways that the call can be turned into action. We signed this because we believe that the more comprehensive the data the more effective the healthcare. Science should not be done in secret.

South African Medical Research Council
: The vision of the SA MRC is to build a healthy nation through research. Unregistered clinical trials and unpublished, inaccessible results of research pose a barrier to achieving this vision. The SA MRC has long supported the importance of minimising publication bias. We provide a home for the Pan African Clinical Trials Registry (, a WHO recognised register which has specific capability to serve researchers, decision makers and patients in Africa. We are pleased to add our signature to this AllTrials petition and support the call for open access to the results of all clinical trials.

Asociación Española de Pediatría de Atención Primaria:
representing more than 3000 pediatricians across Spain, is proud to endorse the AllTrials campaign. We are committed to transparency in research so that the best treatments for children can be developed and evaluated, and it is vital that all clinical trials are registered and the results reported.

Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health
: CADTH is a strong supporter of the AllTrials campaign to have all clinical trials registered and all results reported. CADTH provides decision-makers with the evidence, analysis, advice, and recommendations they require to make informed decisions in health care. These decisions should be informed by a complete evidence 1base which would include the disclosure of all clinical data.

Dietitians of Canada
is pleased to sign the AllTrials petition. Like other health professions, dietitians require unrestricted access to valid and unbiased evidence when making recommendations about patient care, policy or community programs.

Swedish College of General Practice
: SFAM, strongly endorses this campaign. SFAM promotes professional education, research and development in general practice. We work for the practice of evidence based medicine and for rational pharmacotherapy in cooperation with our patients. To achieve this, we regard it as fundamental that all trial protocols and results without exceptions are made publicly available for independent and critical appraisal.

The Netherlands Epidemiological Society
fully supports the AllTrials initiative and is therefore pleased to sign this petition. Access to results, especially from clinical trials, is needed to reach unbiased conclusions.

The Norwegian Cancer Society
whole-heartedly supports this petition. As a big funder of research, we would like the money to be put to good use. We believe in sharing and documenting results to better advance the research. We believe that easy access to previous research in a timely manner will help the researchers help patients get better treatments quicker. We strongly support the sharing of methodology and results.

Irish Cancer Society
: We are absolute in our belief that all clinical research data be published in order that people who get cancer, or any other medical condition, will have better access to improvements in the diagnosis and treatment of their condition which will lead to better medical care and better outcomes. Cancer patients lives are dependent on this.

European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine:
EFLM represents the National Societies practising Laboratory Medicine in Europe, a specialty said to contribute in up to 70% of medical cases. Thus we affirm that adherence to ethical standards and the dissemination of all scientific data to inform clinical decision making is axiomatic for the provision of the quality health care that patients expect; EFLM fully supports the tenets of Evidence Based Medicine.

The European Public Health Association, representing over 14,000 public health professionals across Europe, is committed to the highest standards in the conduct and reporting of research. We endorse the view that all trial protocols and data are made publicly available for independent and critical appraisal.
We call on all patient organizations to sign this petition, and get their members to sign. It’s an opportunity to improve the results of medical research. By shaming them into treating us with truthfulness. Release all medical studies on human beings; past, present and future. We ain’t gonna’ STFU until this happens. Just release the documents, that’s all.
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