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Old 05-15-2013, 01:38 PM
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Default My doctor appointments

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to update everyone about my doctor appointments.

I first went to see an opthamologist at Stanford who checked everything and did an MRI of my eye and did not find anything. She said my left eye which I've been having problems with in terms of light sensitivity is a little bit off on the perscription and that I should try to get my vision checked and change my lens. Other than that, she told me to wait it out . I asked her about convergence insufficiency (double vision) and she said that I dont have double vision. She has referred me to a neuroopthamolgist in July.

I also went to see the director of the headache clinic at Stanford. He was really nice and gave me a lot of comfort. He told me that because of the impact my brain chemistry has changed and that in order for it to get better I need to try to do the things that I was doing before which will make the brain adjust itself and relearn. He talked about brain plasticity and how the brain is very plastic and that if I just sit at home and do nothing the brain will never readjust itself. He said right now my brain is in a "danger mode" as its afraid of getting hurt again. He said the number is 6 months and that I should heal by them. I am currently 2.5 months in PCS. He said that i'm still early in the recovery timeline process so I should wait it out and that if i don't feel better, i should come in to see him again. He said that he would be worried if i wasn't improving at all after 2 years. He perscribed nortriptalyn which I haven't taken yet.

I've read many posts in this forum and that everyone's recovery is different. It may not necessarily be 6 months but can be a few years. I belive that there isn't a set timeline for recovery. But I guess in my case being 2.5 months in that I still need to wait it out.

I just wanted to get your opinion on what he said about plasticity and trying to return to normal life so the brain can relearn. It does make sense to me. But I do think that jsut returning to normal life is easier said then done.

Thank you eveyrone so much.
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