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Old 05-22-2013, 06:34 PM
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I'm also going through a lot right now at home and in my life. I think stress is this vicious cycle coupled with the injury. I am also thinking of going on an anti depressant or anti anxiety med. But I dont know what to do really. Would also like to hear from others. Do you also mean that the antidepressants have helped wiht your physical concussion symptoms? Thank you. Take Care.
Originally Posted by DFayesMom View Post
My husband and I are going through a lot right now. I would go into details, but it's too much. Writing about it would just make it so much worse!

Good news is that my antidepressant is working and I feel like myself again. Bad news is that we are in such a stressful predicament that I had to force feed myself dinner tonight and feel like my heart is going to spasm right out of my chest. I feel like there is nothing to help me. My husband is probably worse off than I am in this situation, so I'm just doing everything I can to support him, but it's really all out of my hands. I have control over so little in my life right now!

A week ago I would have spent the evening in hysterical tears, so this is progress, but I just don't know how to deal with all of this. My husband and I really need to talk through our situation, but I am so avoiding it! So is he. It's not good, but I guess it's temporary self preservation. But it can only be temporary. I feel like I'm just waiting for the situation to resolve itself, hoping I won't have to make a decision!

I don't know exactly what I'm asking but any advice would be welcome. Thanks.
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