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Old 05-23-2013, 06:47 PM
EricP EricP is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
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EricP EricP is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
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10 yr Member

Originally Posted by mochagirl13 View Post
When I could use a cart as a stabilizer, it was a beast walking through the store but I did it. Now I can't stand that long. If I could reverse MS with a pill or diet, I would. I have a hard time understanding how health is not their number 1 priority. I have a brother with diabetes and instead of trying to control with diet and exercise he would rather take pills. My family has a history of diseases that are totally avoidable. Yet they refuse to modify their diet.

I don't eat McDonalds, or any grease whatsoever, no soda, nothing like that. Since having this scare I have turned my diet completely around. I'm also on the bike riding the trails as much as possible. Today I got in a nice ride, probably 18 miles, because it was way cooler today and not bad humid. Felt nice I tellya.

I did see an overweight young girl walking down the MUP(Multi Use Path) she was trying and it was nice to see her doing something about it. I also saw this extreme overweight dude stopped at the light in his car, while I waited to cross. I don't know how he is allowed to drive as his gut was literally touching the steering wheel and I mean tightly looking. I also saw he has a handicap parking permit(A red one)

I know some people have thyroid problems or stuff like that, but....I think a good deal of them just are too lazy to get going on doing something about it, continue to feed on burgers and collecting disability checks isn't a bad thing either

I bet I just opened a can of worms.

I'm probably not in a position to judge, as people do not see my disability and probably think I'm a lazy azz too. Sorry, but watching these disabled obese people walking out of McDonalds really irks me in the worst way. They're going to get a heart attack!
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