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Old 06-07-2013, 09:46 PM
lyricahelp lyricahelp is offline
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lyricahelp lyricahelp is offline
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Originally Posted by MH Advocate View Post
I too am withdrawing from lyrica and after reading everybodys posts I am absolutely convinced that this is what has happened to me, I am dreadfully sick, not able to eat for two weeks since stopped lyrica completely.. I quit my job, and cry like a babe..
nausea is horrendous
sweats (today) and horrible headache caused by light intolerance (sun light) or white lights...
vomited like crazy two nights ago and went to hospital to get iv fluids
my hand is swollen, my back is swollen and the pain clinic shots didn't worked as well this timea round

feel that we should unite forces and sue the lyrica makers they are killing people with their posion
I am depressed, sad and had suicidal ideation however I didn't realized till now.. even if I read my previous posts, everything points at this hell of lyrica

I also have very acidic stomach, and even my tears hurt my eyes..

I do feel I am dying and my nerve pain is out o whack

thank you for sheding a light in the nightmare of withdrawals
the hospital gave me "pink lady" for the nausea which is a Maalox with lidocaine and it worked to stop the nausea and the swallowing problems.. but is very temporary relief/..
Withdrawing from Lyrica also made me dreadfully sick!! The nausea and upset stomach were unbearable at times. I found ginger to be helpful for the nausea, as well as a prescription anti-nausea medicine from my doctor. Warm peppermint tea, even adding ginger to it also helped, at least to take the edge off. Wasn't a cure, but soothed the nausea a bit.
I got so sick, and got the the point anything I ate would make me vomit/go to the bathroom. I lost 20 pounds, which put me underweight. I am petite and really couldn't afford to lose that weight. I've had a hell of a time trying to gain it back too. Lyrica, which is known to cause allergies, caused me to develop a bunch of food allergies: gluten, dairy, soy, and grains. Seems crazy, but I never had these allergies before Lyrica, and my doctor confirmed they are a result of the drug. AAH!! So frustrating. My nausea and indigestion problems have improved, as long as I eat really really really healthy.
I understand that feeling of "dying and nerve pain out of whack." I had many days of asking my family "Am I am going to make it? because I really feel like I'm not going to make it." It is a horrible feeling. It's been over a year since I started my withdrawal and I've been off Lyrica completely 10 months. As I just mentioned in another post, this past week I actually started to feel like my old self again. I'm actually tearing up writing this because it's been such a painful process and I didn't know if I'd ever feel normal again. I just hope I'm really on the mend, and not just an up phase before another withdrawal period hits me.
Hang in there and try to stay positive!!
Feel free to ask me any questions or chat if you just need to vent!
This has been a great community to help me get through this process.
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