Thread: SSDI-Jury Duty?
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Old 06-18-2013, 12:41 AM
Hopeless Hopeless is offline
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Originally Posted by finz View Post

Thanks Hope. I'm purposefully not adding the "less" there, although I've been there, done that, and understand the sentiment !

My Kayla-kook came into our lives after I became disabled, when I was in a very dark place. I didn't have the correct meds and treatments that I have now, that help give me some sense of control over my disability and pain issues. I was always a cat person. Had nothing against dogs, loved other people's dogs, but recognized and was afraid of the more work and responsibility factor. My husband is allergic to cats, so that was an out for us. My youngest son had been BEGGING for a dog for years, so my husband decided that because I was then home all day, I could let the dog out into the yard for potty breaks during the day and he/the kids would take care of everything else.

I think Kayla saved me. She stuck by my side 24/7. She was a 1 year old rescue and was toilet trained when we got her. If I had to be in bed all day, she stayed with me and just held her tinkle. My first breaks from the pain came from just talking to her/playing with her for a minute.....and not thinking of my ever constant pain. It grew to tolerating bending over to pet her, and make her happy, even though it hurt my body to move that was worth the pain for the kisses. As I started to get better relief from new doctors and new meds, Kayla was thrilled to have me play more with her. If I overdo and have a bad day, she's still by my side in bed all day. This past year, I am really pushing to try to manage some of my other health issues. With my doc's support, and more pain meds, I'm getting out walking most days and trying to eat better. Kayla's walks were few and far between when it was up to my husband and the kids. Her happy dance now as soon as she sees my sneakers come out, makes me smile.....and helps me get motivated to get out there for a walk, when it would hurt less if I stayed home.

I am lucky that family can help with all of the tough stuff.....helping to wrestle her into the vets office, carry those big bags of dog food, etc. Seeing her tail wag makes me smile every time......and helps distract me from pain. That kind of puppy love is priceless.

I'm sorry that you can't have that in your life right now. It's ANOTHER way that our disabilities can wreck our lives.
Thanks for sharing with me about your dog. I live alone and my 130 lb dog and I got debilitated about the same time. She had bone cancer and could no longer stand or walk. After she died, I attempted to dog sit on a few occasions when a friend had to go out of town for work. That is when I realized that a dog "full-time" was more than I could handle. Thanks for posting the picture. Just seeing it makes me feel better.
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