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Old 06-18-2013, 05:28 AM
KathyUK KathyUK is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
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KathyUK KathyUK is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 151
10 yr Member
Default Weirder symptoms of CRPS?

I was wondering if anyone knew of a list of the less obvious symptoms/results of CRPS? I've been having some weird problems and wondered how many of them could be linked:

1. My sleep problems - insomnia, LOTS of sleep paralysis (with accompanying symptoms, see the sleep and sex thread), daytime tiredness that sometimes means I fall asleep at inappropriate times. A lot of this could be written off as a more general effect of pain but I wondered if there were ANS links.

2. Vertigo and fainting. I've been fainting, or feeling faint, quite a lot. At first I put it down to the pain as I have fainted from that, for example about a fortnight ago I put my foot on a stair to walk up them, had severe flashing pain through my buttock and back and fainted on the stairs (I'm probably the only person who can fall UP the stairs lol). I've had episodes of vertigo that the GP put down to labrynthitis in the past but which still go on now and come hand in hand with some episodes of fainting. I fainted last night and it wasn't from pain (although I am in a flare). I often feel separated/distanced from the real world, and this comes along with the vertigo - like I'm looking at the world from inside a glass box.

3. The memory/cognitive issues. Again I put this down to lack of sleep, pain and at first medications. I stumble for words, get slurred speech, forget things that aren't even trivial and should be easy to remember. My concentration is poor.

4. "Panic attacks" - I've suffered genuine panic attacks in the past related to genuine fears/issues (eg. on returning home when we were being targeted by severe antisocial behaviour and assaults on our kids at our previous address) and this is different. Previously I was on beta blockers for these "genuine" panic attacks and for migraines (another issue), but I am off them now. Seemingly no reason for these episodes. Heart races, sweats, anxiousness and restlessness. Happens mostly, in fact nearly every time, through flares. I just want to leap up and move. Can't sit still. Get frustrated easily and lash out verbally sometimes.

I wondered if there was anything else along these lines that others are getting and whether any of the above is something you guys can relate to? If so, how do you deal with it and has your doctor recognised it as part of your "condition"? Are there any potential treatments?
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