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Old 06-25-2013, 08:29 PM
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Hi! Welcome! Thank you for sharing yrour story! Did your headaches go away in their own? Did you do any kinds of therapy or medication?

Others here can help you more than me though.


Originally Posted by fkd5322 View Post
All I want is to feel Normal, healthy, and happy.

It's been a year and a half since my injury. I use to have headaches that were more noticable but they've gone down a good anount. When I get stressed out i feel like the pains in my head become more noticeable or start up. One other thing I feel dosn't help the headaches/ head pains I'm going through is being on my phone& watching TV. I've had such trouble trying to stop both theae habits, I know that instead of cutting them completely out of the equation I should just cut down the time I'm on the computer,Watching TV, or on my Phone. Will making the change and cutting down the amount of time i spend on eletronic really help my headaches go away completely? Also I've been drinking, a habit I find extremely hard to stop. I'm 21 and all my friends do for fun is drink and because I get very bored I go out with them but i always end up feeling that it can't be good for the recovery I'm still going through.

The last thing that I feel like is not helping the headaches is STRESS. I had a falling out with my first love and it's caused depression, anxiety/ panic attacks. I'm stressing out at times like a mad man. This can't be good for any sort of recovery right?

Another issue that i've been going through is my smell has become distorted. Instead of smelling the actual odor that is present I smell these odd smells that I havn't been able to compare to anything I've ever smelled in my life. It's like Instead of smelling pizza I'll smell soap. Like my nose is playing tricks on me. I work at a restaurant where food is around at all times. I can't say that i've ever smelled anythong even close to the delicious scent of food that I'm sure everyone else smells. I'm going to washington DC in 2 weeks to THE SMELL AND TASTE CLINIC. The doctor there is suppose to be a speacialst in smell disorders. It's very exapensive, about 6,000 dollars. I wonder if I'm making the right decision spending money on this. Getting my smell back to normal is so very important to me.

Please... Advice and help. I'm 21 and my parents arn't beong much help. What should i do to fix this problems I'm still going through with my PCS.
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