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Old 06-26-2013, 04:05 PM
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I think you are all amazing. I have only had this horrible thing for about six months, so far it is limited to my right arm (maybe my neck) and I know that so many of you are in so much more pain than I am. Yet, I am feeling a bit of the 'woe is me' too.

I am really struggling to keep up at work. I have had so much time off and I continue to need time off for physio and appointments with both doctors. I really need to get to the dentist but I just don't feel like I can take even more time off work. When I do have appointments, I stay late to make up the time but I know they don't really understand. And the longer days mean more pain.

And now, too really cap things off, my husband has been in hospital since Sunday night. That means I'm having to do everything for me and my dog (she is a princess, btw). The poor wee thing hasn't had a walk all week though because I really just can't do it.

I keep trying to pretend that I'm not in pain but I am. It hurts. It hurts a great deal. I am exhausted from pushing through the pain all day. And then I keep waking up through the night because of the pain. I am just so tired. I desperately don't want to lose the independence of being able to work but I am struggling.

I am sorry. I know I shouldn't complain. You have all been through so much more than I. Like I said, you are all amazing.

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