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Old 10-04-2013, 07:11 AM #1
bomar44 bomar44 is offline
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Default very low libido,low sexual pleasure and feelings plus mild depression

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!
i would like to share my current situation and hope someone out there can relate to and share their opinion based on experience and or knowledge.
I have been suffering from very low libido, sexual pleasure and arousal, difficulty in reaching an orgasm and mild depression.,( NEUROTRANSMITTERS DEFICIENCY AND DEPLETION ) as a result of years of recreational drugs use and abuse. it was a turbulent time of my life in the personal side!!!
the substances used where.
ecstasis: at a very often basis.
canabis: at a very often basis.
lsd: at the odd basis.
cocaine: at the odd basis.
crack cocaine: at the odd basis.

After some extend online research, articles and blogs like this i have come to the conclusion that i my neurotransmitters have been affected and partially depleted and of course the symtoms are showing.
Im must of times a witty, chatty and sociable person but can not longer go much ahead and feel stuck and helples on top of what i mentioned above.

I decided to do something about it and go for the natural supplemnts approach as do not agree with the chemical substance one.
i have just ordered some natural supplements wich i believe can help me regulate and balance my neurotransmitter and therefor bring me back to some sort of stable enough state to carry on in life and move forward.
this supplements are.
muccuna pruriens : 350 mg capsules,standarized at 15% of l-dopa
n-acetyl-tyrosine:capsules 350 mg
5 htp at an standard dossage of 100 mg
st johns wart at an standard dossage of 900mg
and the, virility formula from ** wich contain (tribulus terrestris, horny goat weed, damiana, ginko biloba, siberian and koreian gynseng,avena sativa, saw palmeto and cayene.
I intend to take them on a daily and weekly basis with lapses of breaks between themselves.
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Old 10-04-2013, 10:10 AM #2
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A few very basic questions before commenting further:

Are you male or female? What is your age?

How long have you been "clean" from the recreational drug use?

Have you seen a urologist or other MD to check for medical conditions such as low hormone levels (estrogen, testosterone, depending on gender)?

Are you taking any medication? SSRIs for depression are for example notorious for contributing to the symptoms you describe.
What Happened: On November 29, 2010, I was walking across the street and was hit by a light rail commuter train. Result was a severe traumatic brain injury and multiple fractures (skull, pelvis, ribs). Total hospital stay was two months, one in ICU followed by an additional month in neuro-rehab. Upon hospital discharge, neurological testing revealed deficits in short term memory, executive functioning, and spatial recognition.

Today: Neuropsychological examination five months post-accident indicated a return to normal cognitive functioning, and I returned to work approximately 6 months after the accident. I am grateful to be alive and am looking forward to enjoying the rest of my life.
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Old 10-04-2013, 12:20 PM #3
bomar44 bomar44 is offline
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thank you for the taking the time reading and for your concern and reply.
sorry i shoulded put that info in my thread.
im a male on my mid thirties.
have been clean since the beginning of the summer, so 4 months all together.
I went to my GP a while back and had some blood test done to see if it was a testosterone problem and it all came back normal.
im now waiting for the appointment with the specialist( urologist ) to see what he has to say., i pretty sure is down to the neurotransmitter defficiency. will book and appointment with my GP next week and will ask if i can get them test it through urine or blood.
hope to hear back fro you soon.

Are you male or female? What is your age?

How long have you been "clean" from the recreational drug use?

Have you seen a urologist or other MD to check for medical conditions such as low hormone levels (estrogen, testosterone, depending on gender)?

Are you taking any medication? SSRIs for depression are for example notorious for contributing to the symptoms you describe.
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Old 10-04-2013, 05:19 PM #4
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That helps. My sexual dysfunction symptoms were similar to yours. Mine was a result of a TBI with some collateral pelvic area damage, but I’ll share my experience and thoughts.

In my case low libido was directly related to low T levels due to hypogonadism as a result of damage to the “boys” from my accident. That said, do keep in mind the "normal" T levels are classified in a pretty broad range, if you are on the low end of "normal" a testosterone supplement may be helpful in restoring libido.

Are you able to achieve and maintain an erection? If this is an issue I know from personal experience that ED medications can be helpful. Personally I think Levitra is wonderful stuff . Often MDs, particularly urologists will offer free samples of ED meds.

Keep in mind that your sobriety is relatively recent, I would expect as you continue to normalize things will improve. I think you took the most important short term steps by staying clean, and the visit to the urologist.

Best to you.
What Happened: On November 29, 2010, I was walking across the street and was hit by a light rail commuter train. Result was a severe traumatic brain injury and multiple fractures (skull, pelvis, ribs). Total hospital stay was two months, one in ICU followed by an additional month in neuro-rehab. Upon hospital discharge, neurological testing revealed deficits in short term memory, executive functioning, and spatial recognition.

Today: Neuropsychological examination five months post-accident indicated a return to normal cognitive functioning, and I returned to work approximately 6 months after the accident. I am grateful to be alive and am looking forward to enjoying the rest of my life.
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Old 11-06-2013, 10:11 PM #5
zygopetalum zygopetalum is offline
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I worked in a drug treatment center for awhile, not sure about the rest but it can take at least a year for you to recover your full feelings of pleasure after cocaine so there are no doubt issues with the others.. Hang in there, it will get better, eat well and try to have some fun. You can train your body to produce neurotransmitters to some degree.

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