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Old 01-24-2009, 10:50 AM #1
Paprika Paprika is offline
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Default Dilauded withdrawel questions.

Hello everyone.

History: I have tirgeminal neuralgea and possible ms. I have been prescribed 8 mg hydromorhone 1-2 tabs 4 times a day . I have takend 1 8 mg pill each am and one 8 mg pills each evening for the last 5 years for my facial pain.

The last year i have had other neuro pains and difficulty walking. I am present being worked up for various nuerological disorders.

I have become so weak in the last year and I know as a retired nurse that i have also been experiencing withdrawel symptons every day of my life for the last 4 1/2 years. ( i think this is because I refuse to increase my diluaded just to cover my withdrawel symptons so of course every 6th hour taking my am pill i start to go through withdrawel feelings until my second dose 4 hours later. I again go through them my 6th hour after my second dose..a vicious cycle)

The above reason has made me stop my diluaded this last week. i have weaned myself down . started at 4 mg twice a day then to 2 mg twice a day to then for three days only taking a "crumb" of a pill when my legs jerks became unbearable once a day for 2 days.

I have already noticed I feel much better even going thhrough the withdrawel then i have the last 4 years. yes My face hurts and I have the painful spasms back in my ear but with the rest of my body feeling better i think i am at a point where i can deal with "just" the face pain and the ear spasms since they are not constant.

my question to anyone that knows:

I started this process on Sunday and can honestyl say i have felt not much different then i have for the last 5 years while taking the diluaded. i have had some very mild diarhhea and of course tose horrible leg jerks when i try to sleep.

I am weak but have been for the last five years. I do not kow if that is part of the dilauded withdrawel or if it is part of my neuro problems and am eager to find out.

I know experts say it takes anywhere from 7-10 days to go through dilauded withdrawel but I do not feel that bad at all and really only "know" I am going through withdrawel when my legs stat jerking late at night when I try to sleep.

Will tings get worse or do you think maybe since i was taking the med less then prescribed all these years and only twice a day that I may experience a more milder withdrawel?
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Old 03-03-2009, 08:20 PM #2
luna luna is offline
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Originally Posted by Paprika View Post
Hello everyone.I am not a nurse, but have been taking 120 mg ozxycodone for last year. I had back surgery 1 1/2 year ago and since than been taking the oxycodone. 30 mg 4 x day. Last month I decided t o stop and have gotten it down to less than 1 30mg pill ea. day for the last day. I also feel stomach turning,sweats,chills, etc. but feel that I can do this. I am hoping you have been sucessful in beating this addiction. I would appreciate any response as yours is first positive response in stopping meds. Please if you can respond as I need the hope. I have the faith, just scaredI have the support of my husband and have the option of going t o pain dr and getting suboxen which I am not happy to do as I do not want to subsitute one addiction for another . I also can not afford to go into a detox center. I just need to know it can get done. I am otherwise a healthy 52 yr. old female

History: I have tirgeminal neuralgea and possible ms. I have been prescribed 8 mg hydromorhone 1-2 tabs 4 times a day . I have takend 1 8 mg pill each am and one 8 mg pills each evening for the last 5 years for my facial pain.

The last year i have had other neuro pains and difficulty walking. I am present being worked up for various nuerological disorders.

I have become so weak in the last year and I know as a retired nurse that i have also been experiencing withdrawel symptons every day of my life for the last 4 1/2 years. ( i think this is because I refuse to increase my diluaded just to cover my withdrawel symptons so of course every 6th hour taking my am pill i start to go through withdrawel feelings until my second dose 4 hours later. I again go through them my 6th hour after my second dose..a vicious cycle)

The above reason has made me stop my diluaded this last week. i have weaned myself down . started at 4 mg twice a day then to 2 mg twice a day to then for three days only taking a "crumb" of a pill when my legs jerks became unbearable once a day for 2 days.

I have already noticed I feel much better even going thhrough the withdrawel then i have the last 4 years. yes My face hurts and I have the painful spasms back in my ear but with the rest of my body feeling better i think i am at a point where i can deal with "just" the face pain and the ear spasms since they are not constant.

my question to anyone that knows:

I started this process on Sunday and can honestyl say i have felt not much different then i have for the last 5 years while taking the diluaded. i have had some very mild diarhhea and of course tose horrible leg jerks when i try to sleep.

I am weak but have been for the last five years. I do not kow if that is part of the dilauded withdrawel or if it is part of my neuro problems and am eager to find out.

I know experts say it takes anywhere from 7-10 days to go through dilauded withdrawel but I do not feel that bad at all and really only "know" I am going through withdrawel when my legs stat jerking late at night when I try to sleep.

Will tings get worse or do you think maybe since i was taking the med less then prescribed all these years and only twice a day that I may experience a more milder withdrawel?
I just need to know if its possible to stop taking oxycodone after 1 1/2 years.I had huge back surgery and have been on 4 3omg ea day for about a year. Las\
Last month I cut it in half. And two weeks ago to 1 1/2 day

THis week I got it down to less than 30 mg. day

Now I want to quit completely

Everything I read tells me its not so.

I can take the issues in my back

I can not take the mental anguish of taking this medication

I need to know if its possible and how long it will take to feel somewhat better

I have heard its 4 days to get medicine out of system

I can go to pain med and have him put me on suboxen but do not want to trade addictions.

Just to know it can be done is encouraging.

I hope you are okay now.
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Old 03-18-2009, 11:28 AM #3
NJS821 NJS821 is offline
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Default Withdrawel

I have had a hard time trying to withdraw from pain meds for 8 years now. It started after a boating accident. I tried Suboxone for about 9 months a couple of years ago, the first few days it seemed like a miracle drug after 36 hrs of feeling like I wanted to die. I did not go into a hospital, I found a doctor with in my area who prescribes the med. I have great ins, but none of the doctors who prescribed it took insurance, they charged $100.00 for a 5 min visit, then wanted to see me in a nother 3 days which was $100.00 every time you walked in the door. He finally got it down to 1 time a week. He would only give out 2 weeks supply at a time. Any doctor can do this, they just have to attend an 8 week class to get certified. It got extremely expensive. My ins. did pay for the medication though. If the Suboxone was not covered by ins, it would have been way over $100.00 for each time I picked up a new script. It is a bit of a dangerous drug, you have to be SO careful of what you take with it or you can get deathly ill. Unlike methadone you can not take any other opiate based medication without a reaction, no matter what may happen to you. Even mixing benzo's like Zanax or Valium can make you very sick. I think if you can waen your self down from what you are on now is your best bet, if you can do it! I sure hope you can. My prayers are with you my friend. Let me know how you are doing. I am still trying to get off of Norco myself, completely off and withdrawels are something I would not wish on anyone. There the worst thing ever. Best of luck.
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Old 06-24-2009, 01:22 PM #4
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Originally Posted by luna View Post
I just need to know if its possible to stop taking oxycodone after 1 1/2 years.I had huge back surgery and have been on 4 3omg ea day for about a year. Las\
Last month I cut it in half. And two weeks ago to 1 1/2 day

THis week I got it down to less than 30 mg. day

Now I want to quit completely

Everything I read tells me its not so.

I can take the issues in my back

I can not take the mental anguish of taking this medication

I need to know if its possible and how long it will take to feel somewhat better

I have heard its 4 days to get medicine out of system

I can go to pain med and have him put me on suboxen but do not want to trade addictions.

Just to know it can be done is encouraging.

I hope you are okay now.
I tapered myself off methadone.I started at 40mg went up to 80mg then over a year cut my dosage smaller and smaller untill i hit 20mg then stopped completely at 10 it wasn't to bad except that I feel lethargic.I have no energy and do want to do much.I should of winged my self off more slowly to let my natural dopamine levels to restore themselves.I know that opiates mess up your dopamine receptors.But it can be done just take your time.If its been 1 1/2 year you can take a little time to completely stop.Good luck too you,You can do it.
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Old 06-30-2009, 08:43 AM #5
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Unfortunately,I could not take or afford to feel depressed and tired I had to go back on my methadone treatment program this morning I will try to go lower that 10mg and stay there for awhile and before I try this again.I will beat this horrible thing that is opiate dependence.I don't no what I was thinking when I started this madness,obviously not the right things but I will not quit,I will not surrender,I WILL BE FREE!
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Old 01-26-2011, 09:22 AM #6
julia4 julia4 is offline
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Originally Posted by Paprika View Post
Hello everyone.

History: I have tirgeminal neuralgea and possible ms. I have been prescribed 8 mg hydromorhone 1-2 tabs 4 times a day . I have takend 1 8 mg pill each am and one 8 mg pills each evening for the last 5 years for my facial pain.

The last year i have had other neuro pains and difficulty walking. I am present being worked up for various nuerological disorders.

I have become so weak in the last year and I know as a retired nurse that i have also been experiencing withdrawel symptons every day of my life for the last 4 1/2 years. ( i think this is because I refuse to increase my diluaded just to cover my withdrawel symptons so of course every 6th hour taking my am pill i start to go through withdrawel feelings until my second dose 4 hours later. I again go through them my 6th hour after my second dose..a vicious cycle)
The above reason has made me stop my diluaded this last week. i have weaned myself down . started at 4 mg twice a day then to 2 mg twice a day to then for three days only taking a "crumb" of a pill when my legs jerks became unbearable once a day for 2 days.

I have already noticed I feel much better even going thhrough the withdrawel then i have the last 4 years. yes My face hurts and I have the painful spasms back in my ear but with the rest of my body feeling better i think i am at a point where i can deal with "just" the face pain and the ear spasms since they are not constant.

my question to anyone that knows:

I started this process on Sunday and can honestyl say i have felt not much different then i have for the last 5 years while taking the diluaded. i have had some very mild diarhhea and of course tose horrible leg jerks when i try to sleep.

I am weak but have been for the last five years. I do not kow if that is part of the dilauded withdrawel or if it is part of my neuro problems and am eager to find out.

I know experts say it takes anywhere from 7-10 days to go through dilauded withdrawel but I do not feel that bad at all and really only "know" I am going through withdrawel when my legs stat jerking late at night when I try to sleep.

Will tings get worse or do you think maybe since i was taking the med less then prescribed all these years and only twice a day that I may experience a more milder withdrawel?
Paprika, you should not get withdrawal symptoms unless you are lowering your dosages. If you take your Dilaudid as prescribed, at the same time everyday, no withdrwal symptoms should occur. Perhaps you have something else going on. I think you should talk to your physician about your symptoms, and also tell him that you would like to lower your dosage or even quit completely. He can safely taper you, and even switch medications. Good luck
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