. . . now with a solid twenty years from symptom onset, clearly brings the pacer into the lead:
summary statistics . . .
update alpha als - Google Drive
These show pacer with clear lead at three, five and ten years over historical controls and over patients who expressed an interest in the pacer but did not disclose whether they are pacing. With TransFatty the pacer now leads patients who expressed an interest in the pacer by circa 10% (sixty-six as compared to fifty-one percent) and is at least approaching if not in the lead relative to historical controls . . . you many remember about five percent of the patients are expected to live at least twenty years . . . as there are 181 patients discovered at this time, at least nine patients would be needed - with TransFatty we have six . . . however, one should note the twenty year figure is usually rounded up . . . normally closer to 3.5 percent in the papers I have found. 3.5 percent would be about six patients, which would be about a tie with historical controls. The five year threshold is usually specified as about twenty percent, but twenty percent is usually rounded down from something closer to twenty-five percent. For the pacer, this is a very happy new year too!