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Wayne 11-02-2006 02:11 PM


I thought your first post was funny. What do you mean "hurts like hell"? There are some guys that pay good money for that kind of treatment!

arrigoar 11-02-2006 02:46 PM

Wayne…I did think his comment was okay. I had an EMG two years ago, when I went through the same type of ALS scare. I was dx’d with BFS back then. The thing that is scary about this time, is that I am noticing weakness on my right side. It is weakness that I noticed, but the doctors don’t.

That is why I am so terrified. I don’t care about the twitches, the weakness is what concerns me…even though my GP and Neuro both say they cannot find any.

Do I need to worry, even though I haven’t had my EMG yet. They surely would have noticed something on the clinical exam, wouldn’t they?

Any input is much appreciated…I am a nervous wreck…and thank you all for your feedback!


lisag 11-02-2006 02:55 PM

arrigoar 11-02-2006 03:05 PM


I do not appreciate the subtle reminder that I have anxiety issues. I am looking for honest opinions from people who are close to, or are afflicted with ALS.

I know my anxiety is a problem...I am dealing with it. It is going to take time. Flat out...from you...or anyone else....DO I HAVE ALS??????

lisag 11-02-2006 03:10 PM

Curious 11-02-2006 03:10 PM


the members here can not give you a dx. they can offer you support and information. they are not dr's. ( if a dr does post they are not giving a dx, just advise)

lisa's link was to offer you support that the als forum can't give you.

asking for a dx from people who are suffering or caregivers will get you no where. you will get your dx from your own dr.

we all hope that you do not get a dx of als. if you do, i am sure that the als forum will be here for support.


Alison P 11-02-2006 03:35 PM

There is not 1 person here that believes you have ALS....not 1. You didn't have it 2 years don't have it now. Funny thing is everyone here tells you their opinion and you still don't believe. For your sake, let it go. Get on with your life.

arrigoar 11-02-2006 03:48 PM

No one on here believes I have ALS. And I thank you for your opinions. My GP and Neuro also say I don't have it as well. I have doubt...just for the pure simple fact that I didn't have the EMG yet.

That is where all of my doubt is coming from. Plus, I am constantly examining my right hand, which feels weak...and see possible signs of atrophy.

My understanding is that atrophy occurs after muscle weakness, and twitching. Sort of at the end stage. The atrophy occurs mostly from muscle disuse.

Is that correct?

lisag 11-02-2006 03:52 PM

Wayne…I did think his comment was okay. I had an EMG two years ago,
when I went through the same type of ALS scare. I was dx’d with BFS back then.

arrigoar 11-02-2006 03:55 PM


But what's not to say that my BFS dx back then is totally unrelated to the symptoms I am having now?

Check out my post before Lisa posted. it weakness, twitching, then atrophy???

lisag 11-02-2006 04:06 PM

Tony ,,this will be my final response on this thread...

But, No ALS is not weakness , twitching and atrophy is so much more... ALS is this...

Do you realize how much my husband and others here would "love " to be in your shoes...just to have a "qualified " doctor tell them they don't have is something treatable ..or benign...or anxiety..
But, they can't ...why...because some can't breathe, some can't talk, some can't move....and there is nothing anyone can do except cope with the disease..and yet you are having a " crisis " over the thought of it and people are trying to comfort you... when a doctor has told you that what you suffer from is anxiety and "benign" fasicualation syndromes...seems backwards doesn't it...
No matter what we post , no matter what any doctor says, no matter what any test says...nothing is sinking the fear that is out of control...and I posted the link to an anxiety forum in hopes that you would find help there,,,Lisa

Alison P 11-02-2006 04:09 PM

Let it are fine. Lisa's last post says it all.

arrigoar 11-02-2006 04:10 PM

One more thought Lisa...

And I whole heartedly appreciate your input. Even though my neuro says BFS and no ALS, he is saying that without my EMG results yet. He says he is 99% sure I don't have ALS.

I know that the EMG is the gold standard in dx'ing ALS...but can I trust his words in the absence of the EMG...until I get the EMG done next Thursday.

Thank you for your support,


Alison P 11-02-2006 04:23 PM

Let it are fine. Lisa's last post says it all.

arrigoar 11-02-2006 04:29 PM


If you get a chance...please read and respond to my previous post.

Thank you so much,


Alison P 11-02-2006 04:41 PM

She has responded....we all have responded. Trust your neurologist and GP. You are fine.

Wayne 11-02-2006 04:59 PM

Bummer for you in that the "gold standard" is not an absolute positive or negative either. An EMG is a signpost. A positive points towards ALS. A negative points towards not ALS. But it only points. It doesn't say with absolute certainty one way or the other. Its not as simple as 2 + 2 = 4. Many patients who are dx with ALS have multiple EMGs before they get the "final diagnosis".

Better get use to it because that is how life works. You don't get certainties. You don't get absolute answers. You get problems and how you deal with them is your job. Good thing that you don't have ALS because it looks like to me that you would handle it worse than most who do get it and even the average person usually doesn't handle it well, at least not at first. All you have now is your own fears and its freaking you out, causing you to try to get comfort from people who ARE in really bad shape, at least physically. It would be funny for its absurdity except that ALS just isn't funny. Good luck.

Thelma 11-02-2006 05:59 PM

No matter what anyone says it is apparant that it is Lisa he wants to respond and so I anticipate without her responses this conversation will fade away.

Sorry guys lol

DaveWv 11-02-2006 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Thelma (Post 33870)
No matter what anyone says it is apparant that it is Lisa he wants to respond and so I anticipate without her responses this conversation will fade away.

Sorry guys lol

You promise?

John 11-02-2006 09:19 PM

Did anybody else notice that this thread about someone's neurosis which has absolutly nothing to do with ALS has generated more views than any other thread ever on this site. What does this mean?

arrigoar 11-03-2006 09:07 AM

I am sorry for taking up space on this site. I know my fears are out of whack and I need to trust my GP and Neuro. The reason I came to get feedback here is because you all are the closest to the disease, and understand how it comes about.

I am a hypochondriac, and have been diagnosed with hypochondriasis along with BFS. I am just extremely nervous about my upcoming EMG, next Thursday.

The thing that is bothering me the most is not my muscle twitching, but the weakness I am experiencing in my hand and arm. My GP and Neuro can detect no clinical weakness, but I can feel a difference. I know there is a difference between clinical weakness and perceived weakness. It has been two months since all of my symptoms appeared...wouldn't I see some more progression by this point? I can still lift heavy things, type on the computer, lift weights...etc. It is just the fact that when I do all of those things, my right arm feels like it is having a tougher time.After being to the doctor (many times) and the neuro once, I have been told I do not have any clinical signs of weakness. I am just super afraid that when I get my EMG, something is going to show up that both have missed. What is the probability of that?

Let me go on to say, that I am sorry for frustrating many of you, but do appreciate all the feedback I have been given. Hopefully, after next Thursday, I can put all my fears to rest. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart...and any additional responses would be greatly appreciated!!!

Sincere Thanks,


arrigoar 11-03-2006 10:52 AM

Sorry for asking again...just me being scared...what does everyone think, besides the obvious fact I have health anxiety issues?

Sincere Thanks,


arrigoar 11-03-2006 01:11 PM

Any input anyone? I am having a terrible day...with anxiety going through the roof!

arrigoar 11-03-2006 02:57 PM

I guess no one has anymore input. Wish me luck with my EMG next Thursday. I hope it turns out clean.

Sorry to bother everyone...I do appreciate all that has been said.

Sorry I am so scared.

Thanks from the bottom of my heart,


kimmydawn 11-03-2006 04:18 PM

Hi, arrigoar.

I'm sorry that you're so upset and scared about this. Fear and anxiety are difficult to deal with! I'm glad that you're taking measures to deal with those through this time.

I'm sorry you feel badly that you've not received a recent response. It had just been under six hours from your first post of today until your last.

Members of this forum can be quite limited as well as having appts, or might simply not be at their computers. It can sometimes take time to gain a response. Also, members might have a higher priority in another thread or something going on in their life for the moment.

Aside from that, though, this is a small forum and when reading back on the thread, it appears that most to all of the members here have responded to your concerns with their thoughts and well wishes. They may be waiting for you to post the test results, or dealing with the issues that are facing them today, as well.

I hope to hear good results when you get them back.

Talk with you then and take care!


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