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Old 12-07-2007, 11:51 PM #11
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Default Thank you

Curious Thank you. I've learned in life that not to many people with my kind of illness want to talk about it. I was hopeing never the less that I would find people here to talk about it. I was hoping for a little support group. Thank you for your replies.
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Old 12-08-2007, 11:25 AM #12
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i did some searching for ocd type of posts around here. they seem to be scattered. but more in the bipolar forum.

i'll come here and talk to you brokenfriend. maybe it's one of those things...if you build it they will come.

i have my own type of ocd. never dx'ed, but i'm sure i would be.

organization type. my closets are color coded. certain color of hangers for different types of clothes. they are orginized into groups, then hung in graduating colors.

canned food...all have to be labels foods together.

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Old 02-15-2008, 08:35 PM #13
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Red face I didn't see this until 2/15/08

Thank you curious. I saw that there was a second page to the thread. It's been a little over 2 months since you wrote that,and I just saw it. Thank you. I'm sorry that I didn't respond sooner. I just didn't see it until now.
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Old 02-15-2008, 11:43 PM #14
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I agree this area is very quiet.I have a husband who has ocd and an eight year old son who has it.I find it very frustrating living with it,I know its very hard for them but find some of the behavior I just don't understand.My husband did some cbt but I'm not sure it really helped.
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Old 02-17-2008, 04:09 AM #15
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Default Welcome to the forum Dotty

Yes. OCD is a very misunderstood illness. It's frustrating to the one infirmed,and all who are around him. I don't know what to think of that TV program,"Monk". It is silly though,and it's good to have a sence of humor. If he was real,and I where him,I'd be mortified with embarrassment.
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Old 02-17-2008, 06:45 AM #16
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I must confess I loved watching monk,my children asked me if he was like it real life.There must be people who are going through the same issues.How does OCD effect you?Does it effect your day to day life much?
Hoping this area of forum gets supported better.
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Old 02-18-2008, 12:07 PM #17
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Default I like "Monk" also to be truthful.

It's so silly,but at the same time I have mixed feelings about the content centering on his OCD. Nevertheless it is funny,and shows that he has a special talent,with his bumbling OCD problems, which I have also. I know that the people who are organizing the television programs goal is primarily to entertain,and they aren't interested in making a point most of the time. I need the humor anyway. I have the same problems of cleaning. I have a fear of germs,social phobia,fear of condemnation,religious fears,I have air purifiers in every room. Before I leave home I have to turn on home monitoring cameras because I have a fear of loosing my valuables. This has happened to me before. Some of my OCD traits are phobias,and visa versa,or both. I have to do things a certain way before I leave. I have to keep the bathroom extremely clean. That's a good thing, but I over do it. I've just been up most of the night cleaning the floors,clothes,vacuuming the sofas,cleaning Ionic Breezes,and so forth. I have to shower,shave,brush my teeth most of the time before I go anywhere. It always takes to much time,then I loose track of time as I become obsessed. As I become obsessed,I do a more,and more thorough job in what ever I'm doing. I read sentences,and then I have to make sure that I've read every word after I've been reading for awhile. Sometimes I count my steps when I'm walking. Sometimes I have music in my thoughts that I cannot stop. Then I get a pain in my chest from the anxiety,and muscles pulling in the center of my chest. I've worn out sweaters,and undershirts from rubbing that pain in the center of my chest. I have obsessions about saying things wrong,or sounding confused,and all of these religious fears. Some of my thoughts get stuck in my head,and the thoughts get bigger,and bigger. Then confusion gets tremendous,focus becomes disabled,I loose track of time,tormenting fears get in,I feel more insecure,I feal like I've done something wrong,I feel this enormous false guilt,and religious fears terrify me.Then that's when I start to loose it, when I have a cluster of all of this at one time. I go into a cloud of torment. The top of my head becomes tight. I feel these electric type shocks,and I don't know what the heck that is. I had a bad experience in a non denominational church. I have these religious fears that sometimes terrify me. All of these things,and more, happen. That's just the tip of the iceberg. All of this Is very tormenting. That's the key word. It's torment. It goes away though,but it comes back. I had anxiety,and panic attacks before the OCD. That got worse when I was in my thirties. Before then I had the panic attacks. My eye's would shake. I'd sit in the back of the class,and the back of the auditorium. Being around that many people was like being next to a large fire. They where like fire. I was afraid of being around crowds of people. The more people the worse it was. I would be frozen with fear. My whole body would stiffen,and I would be tight all over. I get insomnia,headaches,and of all things minor allergy attacks. My stomach,and intestines become irritated. I feel rejected. I feel like I've lost my friends,because I've been so upset recently. I find that people don't want to be around you when you have problems like this,and I don't want to hear a off the wall opinion,because it is usually wrong,and makes me feel even worse. I could go on,and on. I'm a wreck right now. I don't feel ,peace,happiness,acceptance, and things like that.I feel like my positive emotions have become numb,because I have had these illnesses most of my life. It does not look like it's going to change. I'm 55,and they didn't know what they know now, when I was growing up. I could have had more help,and understanding in class, society,and felt better about myself. I got some of the strangest looks,and there where plenty of bullies to make me feel worse,on top of feeling those things that I've been talking about. I hope that since I'm pouring my heart out like this,that this isn't going to somehow be used in a detrimental way against me. I'm reaching out for help. I don't want to come into any hardship for what I've been talking about. I think that most people with these kinds of problems don't talk about it,and the medical community may not do as much about it. Am I alone in this? Do other people feel like this? We need help. It's to big for me. There are to many things bothering me,and always have. I have never been treated effectively by the medical community. Have there been any breakthroughs? I'm so tired of the way that I am.
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Old 02-19-2008, 02:30 AM #18
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I am not very good at writing a bit nervous about writing this post after the very well written one you posted yesterday.I firstly would like to say I don't think its ever to late to change some of OCD behaviours.You know that some of your daily routine is really effecting your life and you said you need help changing it,thats a good start.I have a very low self esteem,I also think friends don't really want to be my friends.I have learn't that they do its just me putting myself down all the time.Maybe phone one of your friends and meet somewhere you feel a bit relaxed(Do you have an interests or hobbies?)it sounds like you have phobia of busy places,How do you find parks?It might surprize you that people do want to be friends,just perhaps think they have upset you,or they have to be careful not to say the wrong thing.It sounds like friends have been trying to give you advice,which you have found has made you feel worse.I think friends are trying to help,maybe try really hard not to down load to much I think it scares people,because they don't know how to react and what to say.Try to talk about interests you have in comman,they are not councillors or doctors,they don't know how to tackle OCD issues.Have you tried any therapy or medication?When was the last time you went to the doctors?Sorry for all the questions.
My son was diagnoised with OCD he is 8 anxiety really brings out the OCD behaviours.He hates crumbs anywhere when he is eating,he eats alone alot
He wont eat lunch at school to many things put him off.First thing he does in the morning is put all the cushions straight on the couch,he likes straight lines.If brothers are on there he shouts at them to get off while he straightens them,he gets very angry and agressive if they don't get off.If they are not straight he will go into another room.He also counts when doing warm up exercises,if he does 8 turns one way he has to do 8 turns the other etc.He has to say things a set way and not be interupted or he has to start again from the beginning.If he watches the news,he is in tears,scared of everything ,thinking it will all happen to him.
A couple of weeks ago I took him to see his doctor,he was very helpful,he told us that he has OCD and so does his daughter.He really understood where my son was coming from,gave him some tasks to try to achieve before next visit.He said if things didn't improve he would sent him to a socologist.
I think it is easier to help the problem when you are younger,but I have heard adults have been helped alot through therapy.Did your family notice the problems you were having?I know society has changed alot,there is more knowledge and acceptance of OCD and more help.
I have to get children up for school,sorry if I have annoyed you with anything I have said if so please let me know.Sometimes its helps to write things down to really help you understand how you are feeling.
Take Care
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Old 02-21-2008, 05:37 AM #19
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Default dotty

Hello dotty. I have nothing but compassion for your son,and I hope that they can help him with the new research,and therapy,and medication if need be that is available today. Don't be nervous,and you are doing fine in what you are asking. You have given me good advice,and you are not asking to many questions. Since the mid 1950's I have been showing signs,and behavior that has baffled my parents. My dad was a WW Two veteran,who never had a father,because his dad died 3 months before he was born in the flu plague of the 1916-1920 period. He didn't know what was wrong,and it made him angry at me. In the mid 1950's where when my symptoms started. In the mid 1960's, my problems became worse with the onset of panic attacks. The doctors didn't know anything at that time. It wasn't until around 1980,that a well known Phobia Clinic opened up ,and people started to understand. It wasn't until 1990,that I knew anything about OCD. My dad became more accepting of me when he learned about these things later in life. My mother couldn't ever grasp my problem,and I don't believe that she ever understood it. She was having physical problems,and she couldn't handle my problems. I've seen many psychiatrists,and a psychologist since the early 1970's. I am familiar with the turns in one way,and the equal turns in the other way afterwards, that your son is experiencing. I don't know what causes that. I also understand the fixations with objects,and other people interfering with those objects,and I would become aggravated about it. As a matter of fact,I don't like crumbs either. In the back of my mind,I don't like the mess,crumbs are uncomfortable if you touch them,and if they are not cleaned up,they crumble more,and then they draw roaches depending on what kind of environment you live in. That kind of stuff would be in the back of my mind. These obsessions are loads of thoughts in the back of my mind that worry,and haunt me. These are the kind of things that are probably bothering him. It's not the absence of thoughts,it's the presence of many thoughts that rush in the back of our minds,and some of these thoughts stick,and become to big,and grievous,and you become burdened with more thoughts,and you don't know what to do.Then confusion comes in.Then sometimes these thoughts start to distort,or twist. It's hard to explain.Then they won't go away. They will subside after awhile. When the thoughts won't go away is the Obsession part of it. While we have these thoughts,and do things to make these thoughts go away, is called the Compulsion. Then you are side tracked,and have lost focus of the circumstances at hand. For what ever reason,it can get worse,and a panic attack can occur. I don't know if this is a biochemical imbalance,and whatever else it is. My doctors put me on minor tranquilizers long ago,back in the late 1960's. Around 1990, one of my doctors tried one Medicine on me,and then another one which was more affective. Luvox has helped me in a way with the onset of these thoughts. It helps me to disperse these thoughts that start to accumulate,and worry,or terrify me. It's been a big help. It takes about 2 months to get into your system. The Xanax has been a help,but it's addictive,the Luvox isn't. I wish that they had the Luvox back in the 1970's,but they didn't. There have been some Bible scriptures that I have I've read in the Psalms that have helped. I'd lie down,and look at these scriptures. I'd would find one that comforted me,then another,then another. I'd look at this scripture,and anxiety would subside. Love,and acceptance helps. I've had CAT scans,and they have shown normal reedings. I've been hospitalized two times. The second time a doctor tried a radical treatment,and it almost left me shattered. He withdrew all of my medication at once,and tried something else,and I had a seizer. All of what he tried failed. That was in about 1980. Doctors are human,and sometimes make mistakes. That Luvox surely was a good thing that really helped,that I started taking in about 1999. My self esteem was very bad when I was young,but now it's very good. I have been through allot of things,and I have seen my strengths,and talents. I have seen my weaknesses also,which are many. A chain of events have gotten to me recently,and I have gone into a slump,but I believe that I'm going to make it through the maize one more time. I read a Book called," Telling yourself that truth". I read it about 20 years ago,and that helped me to work on my self esteem. Also if someone is putting me down,and it's detrimental to my self worth,I confront them,and tell them what they are doing,and they might not like it,but they get the message. That's helped me. A psychologist recommended that I should do this.
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Old 02-23-2008, 03:32 AM #20
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Thank you for the reply.I have got one child whose been ill the last couple of days so haven't been able to reply.The 8 year old was also off school yesterday,he had really bad stomach pains .I think his has been to do with big changes at school which has made him more anxious.My son likes to do things right and follow most of the rules,he hates being told off,even for something very small.Usually ending up crying ,then when he gets home very aggressive especially towards me.The school have started a new behaviour system.There is a hoop in the play ground which happens to also be just outside the heads office window.If a child is naughty they have to go and stand in the hoop for the rest of the playtime so all the other children and head can see them.My son was already anxious about school this has made things worse.Since a new boy has started in his class all I hear is 'I want to move schools'',Do you know what Jakes done?''I wish I could just die,anything would be better than this''.etc.The sad thing is I know he really means it.He even says he doesn't even need his family.
I hope you are getting out of your slump,it doesn't take as long to get in one as it does to get out.You said you have done it before,have belief you can do it again.I'm glad you have a good self esteem,think thats what really helps you pull yourself back up.I'm not saying its easy you know you have been there before.I sometimes re-read books and some phrase or even just words help me. Take Care .
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