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daniella 08-08-2008 12:29 PM

Hi. I have had anxiety/depression/ocd for 12 years on and off. I had gotten to a better place after many inpatient stays at treatment centers for a combo of these issues and an eating disorder which is still good. Now face other health issues my anxiety is back in full force and depression but that usually goes with my pain level. So I have done every type of treatment ip residential,hospital,day patient,groups,outpatient therapy.There was one point I could barely leave my home from all my issues. A few ?'s have you looked into starting outpatient therapy and meds? If you call your local hospitals I know there are real time support groups of people suffering. What about family and friends in your real life to reach out to? I know for me I have to do a lot of self talk to calm myself down. I have to reach out to others when I don't want to. Try to find other outlets. I find the more I am around people and busy the better my anxiety is. That is why night time is so hard and why my chronic pain makes my anxiety worse. Some people find things like yoga and relaxation tapes help. You are not alone and if you want a buddy please email me.

Brokenfriend 08-09-2008 04:16 AM

Thank you daniella
I can relate to all that you say. Is your pain in your chest? That's where mine is. I didn't want to leave the house at one time also. I've been through so many stages,and periods where anxiety would come,and go. It's all a mystery to me. I've done what I've feared,and conquered many of these fears,but all of these other things happen,and create anxiety,and tie me in knots. It's hard to explain.

I'm about to get more therapy. I'm on Xanax,and Luvox. It only helps a little.

My family(Sister,and Dad) have lost patience. My dad doesn't want to hear my problems,and my sister has become a little hostile towards me. She hates my symptoms. I don't understand her. She hurts me verbally,and I've gone to Social Services. I have asked for their help. All my sister thinks about is money. She criticizes me coming,and going. She judges me,accuses me,and has developed a frigid attitude towards me.

I'm sorry for talking about that,but it hurts me so much. BF

daniella 08-09-2008 10:47 AM

Brokenfriend, It is ok to talk about it. That is part of the healing process. I think something I have realized in therapy and family therapy is that you can't change others or make them understand. You can use your voice and tell them how you feel hurt or what you need though even if they don't listen. I have lost many family/friends due to my issues and even now with my pn/rsd I have that. My mom though has stuck by me through it all. So I try to focus on the supports I do have. Also you can build a family so to speak through friends. I know some of my close friends are from my treatments. That is why I encourage in person support groups. Have you looked into that?
My pain rsd/pn is in my legs inner ankle/foot/calf. I am a little confused or do you mean my anxiety feeling? I get this jittery nervous and breathing issue. A lot of my ocd and ed stemmed from anxiety.
Just remember that through the hard times you have had better. That helps me get through the hard ones.

Brokenfriend 08-10-2008 12:20 AM

Thank you daniella
I have lost all of my friends little,by little. They just stop contacting me,and little,by little I didn't hear from them anymore. This blows me away. My family doesn't want me around.

I use to live in a capital city of a state. I went to support groups,prayer groups,and church. Everything stoped at once. They tore down the apartments where I lived,and could afford,and my sister said I could move up near them. So I resigned from this dead end job where they where using me to do the dirty work,which I didn't mind after awhile. Then my sister started attacking me,and making mountains out of mole hills. I'm in this rural area where there are no support groups,and etc. I feel cut off from society,because I'm so far out in the country(Rural Area).

I shouldn't be talking like this. I stop hearing from everyone. I don't know what to do. The anxiety causes there to be a pain in my chest,and it goes through my body to by back. My thoughts are tormenting at times. I'm very alone in these problems. I'm going to Social Services for help. I don't know what to do. I could talk on,and on. I just wish that I felt safe,and loved, but I'm not. BF

daniella 08-10-2008 10:57 AM

I think you should be proud of yourself for reaching out to social service. I hope you can find help and support. Is there a way you can move to an area not so isolated? I have heard of programs where they house people with a roomate who have similar issues and help them get back on there feet. Can you work? May I ask what state you live in? I know how lonely this can feel. Also how frustrating it is to live in a society where people don't understand. It can get better though and truly I thought at one time it couldn't. Really before my pn and rsd I was on the right road and was rebuilding my life from mental issues.

sassy 08-10-2008 11:16 AM

I have anxiety attacks, thankfully not too often tho.

I do tai chi so that is calming to me but hard to do in a crowded mall. :) But along with tai chi I learned a little qigong along with this and use that for relaxation when in public. (

Brokenfriend 08-11-2008 05:20 AM

My sister,and brother in law have a place for me to stay currently,but I see them less,and less. I drove over there after church yesterday,and my brother in law didn't let me in. He politely told me he was busy,but I know that they don't want me around.

My sister has a way of countering,or saying the opposite of everything that I say. You should hear it. I don't think that she is aware of how much she does it. She has to be right,and/or have the dominance. I tried to let her know that we are on the same plain,but she has to have the last word,and puts herself above me,and is not pleased about anything that I enjoy,opinions,hobbies,spending of my own money,or anything. It's awful. She makes me feal guilt,put down,and all kinds of negative things,and I don't think that she is aware of it. I try to tell her,and she says I'm lecturing her. I cannot reason with her. It's terrible. They have let me stay in a old home that they own,so it's not all bad.

I'm currently living on whats left of my 401K. I have a lawyer,and am waiting for my Social Security hearing. This has been terrible. They denied me two times. They do that to everyone. All of my lives saving are almost gone. I've been waiting for 1 1/2 years.

I developed so much anxiety at work,and during the move,that it has gone over my head. I got a job here,and people made fun of me,because I was slower then them. I have OCD,and couldn't help it. I have to press against the OCD,and I have a mental processing problem. Sometimes people can talk to me and I cannot follow what they are saying. It's some sort of learning disability,but it has nothing to do with my intelligence.

I've live in a Mid-Atlantic State. I've lived in this State all of my life. My anxiety became so bad that I had thoughts that where in a stage of tormenting disruption of thinking when I tried to sleep after work. I love work,but I'm having problems now. I mis work. I wish I could work. Work is life to me,and not working is getting to me too. I don't know what to do. I cannot stand,or handle pressure right now,and it's always been a problem. My Dad use to help me,but now he is 88 years old,and frail. He does not want to hear my problems,or help me anymore. I hardly ever hear from him anymore.

I'm going to get weekly therapy from Social Services soon,and I hope that it will work. A NP is trying to find the right dose,and combination of medications for me to take. I hope that all of this will help,and I hope that I get assistance from SSD. If I don't,I don't know what will happen. My sister has already told me that she won't support me,even though they are financially secure. I don't know why they moved me up here now. I confused. I'm at the mercy of SSD. I'm hurting ,and need the therapy. There are so many problems. My records of anxiety attacks go back to when I was about 13. These things are real,and I can't help it,and I'm scared. BF

Brokenfriend 08-12-2008 01:08 AM

My problem is to complex. It's even weightier then what I wrote,and then some. I wish I could hibernate. I'm sorry for writing all of that. May God create situations to help me. I've been suffering for decades. Tired. BF

daniella 08-12-2008 10:58 AM

Ok first don't say sorry. You DESERVE to be well and voice your issues. I hear you and feel for you. It sounds like you have a plan to better yourself and I know after so long of suffering you want to be better today but it is a slow process. I know your anxiety and the feelings are real. Are there small goals that you can do? I think for me having small goals makes me feel better about myself and helps with the anxiety. I wonder if you have thought of going inpatient for this?

Brokenfriend 08-12-2008 08:12 PM

Thank you daniella
I don't have insurance

I've signed a contract with a Lawyer,and am waiting for the Social Security Hearing. This contract with the lawyer is binding.

At this point, I'm just trying to be as positive as I can,and don't want to loose what I have.

My Dad,and sister are becoming non-supportive. They just don't understand the simple basic problem in my illness. I get upset if they don't watch there words.

My sister said that she is not going to help support me because they can't afford it. Well my brother in law owns a Clinic,and is a Doctor,and they live on 10 acres of land,and live in a 750,000 thousand dollar house that they just built. They buy all kinds of things.

I don't want to make accusations,but if I was in their shoes,I'd want to help a immediate family member. I cannot help but noticing how the money word pops up continually.

If this SSD didn't take so long,things would be OK. I'm in to 1&1/2 year in the wait,with a lawyer,and a contract. I don't know what to do but wait. BF

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