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Old 11-07-2016, 06:11 AM #1
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Confused Nerve Pain can it be related to Chiari and Syrinx?

Hi, I was diagnosed with Arnold Chiari Malformation along with syringomyelia/syrinx about 8 or 9 years ago. Do to losing insurance and life getting hard I did not get to a neurosurgeon until about 4 years ago or so and then not again until a year and half ago (2 years in April). The neurosurgeon wanted me to do a yearly visit along with an mri, said I didn't need surgery atm but they wanted to monitor it, once again life got rough and I put off my yearly check up and mri until now (waiting for approval from insurance for mri and my neurosurgeon appt. is in mid Dec.). About a year ago I started having really bad burning around my left areola, random days but always in the morning not long after I got out of bed (would feel like thousands of tiny cuts or needle holes having jalapeño juice being poured over) and would last from a half hour to 2 or so hours, for about the last 4 months it has happened more frequently and in both the left and right side(now it's pretty well every morning and then sometimes a couple times during the day). Mammogram and 2 ultrasounds of the breast(s) have come back fine. I have also had a spot in-between my left shoulder blade and spine that has tingling numbness and burning and is almost always itchy feeling. The last year or so I have also had sciatic nerve pain as per my primary care provider (it's both sides of the lower back, though started in left side, radiates down my backside, hips and into legs) it has gradually gotten a ton worse where some nights I wake every time I move moaning and almost in tears, tonight has been horrible with me in tears and the pain not going away (my primary called it something, a disorder or syndrome where there is inflammation around the nerve and it causes the pain I am having). As of the 1st of this month I have started Cymbalta 30mg once a day, and thought it seems to be making a tiny difference but only for mornings and part of the day, by night I am in a lot of pain (I take it before bed every day and have been told it may take 2-3 weeks to build up and take full effect). I also have diabetes and neuropathy from that (they think) question is this...could this neuropathy that started when my A1C and blood sugar level tests all came back fine, be from the syrinx and malformation? I don't know, the neurosurgeon I see had told me that they only do surgeries for the malformation and whatnot maybe 2xs a year...and he told me that the neuropathy probably wasn't due to it or the syrinx, so has anyone else ever experienced the sciatic nerve pain, burning in breasts(areola mainly) and/or had the numbness and tingling in hands and feet and been told it was caused by Arnold chiari malformation (along w/syrinx)?? This is so frustrating, I just turned 30 in July and have been in pain since I was very young...but this newer kind of nerve pain in my lower back and down is a whole new ball game for me and one I want out of. Oh yea, the hand numbness/tingling/falling asleep has mainly been the last few months(where it happens daily several times a day and I don't have to be laying on my arm or anything, can be sitting standing or laying down when it happens), though I have had where it feels like a little loss of sensation in my finger tips or like a bit of a film of some sort covers the finger tips since before I first went to the neurosurgeon (IDK best way I can describe it). Sorry this is so long and I thank anyone who reads this for your time any responses are greatly appreciated.
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Old 11-25-2016, 07:55 AM #2
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what is your question? I have chiari and SM
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Old 06-09-2019, 05:36 PM #3
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Yes, I’m pretty sure your nerve pain could be related to the syrinx.
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day, nerve, neurosurgeon, pain, started

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