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MorningBroken 12-17-2007 02:57 PM

Heya's Gang!!!
Ok, sorry I been out.... last week was the week from heck apparantly. Started off with a 3 day migraine (par for the course actually), had done "Christmas Cleaning" the week before, and I know... I KNOW... I shoulda taken it easier, but the floors HAD to be scrubbed, and the linens done, and table clothes gotten outta mothballs and decorations and all the whatnots, ya know? Hubby is a down right scrooge when it comes to the holidays, so iffin the kiddos get a Christmas, its up to me to get the house set to rights so they can have it.

So I figgured, get it done, deal with the migrain all the bending stooping stretching, stress and detergent fumes will be bound to cause, then have about a week before the kiddos get out of school to finish up all the left-over necessities, right? Well, I didnt figgure in a nice little jaw infection that was gonna rear its ugly head on the heels of the migraine. So yep, after dosing out on tylenol and naproxen for 3 days, I had to start in on Keflex (sp?) 4 times a day, and Tylenol for pain every four hours, cool compresses to deal with swelling (face still looks like I lost a fight with Mike Tyson *blushes*). But least I'm back to feeling what passes for normal for me these days, LOL.

But let us consider, that the house I busted my butt on for a week, now has gone a week WITHOUT a females influence, and with a Man, a Teenager, and a preschooler, totally going hog wild cooped inside it. Yep, you got it, this place should be condemmed at this point. The garland on the mantle looks like a herd of wild bores tore through it, and apparantly I strove to do the lest possible with still doing something, because it looks like I have about a months worth of clean laundry to get folded up. Wash it, dry it, and put it in a basket was the key to last week, they had clean clothes at least, right? Well, I dont handle that well, so I'mma have to get started on it soon as I get off here. God made closets for a reason, you know? LOL.

Thankyou so much for the concern, Rogue. I'm so very glad to hear that your news came back good!!!!! *does happy dance* Still keeping ya in thoughts and prayers tho, hon, cause I know ya be having other issues mentioned previously. We all need all the help we can get, right? *winks*

Got a call from the optho who ordered the MRI, and apparantly the lil ninny that hubby talked to (we'll call her that in lieu of being nice and polite, ok?) didnt have the authorization to be giving hubby any information about the MRI results in the first place. Hubby said Dr. Rynerson seemed a little miffed about the whole situation with her *shrugs shoulders*. Anywho, he wants to see us personally to discuss the results on Jan. 2. Hubby said the the doc says there are some 'questionable' results on the report. *points finger* TOLD YA that heiffer didnt know what she was talking about!!!! *calms down a bit*

Now, about the SS deal. hubby talked to the DDS Examiner, just to make sure there wasnt anything else he needed before the Christmas break. (Seems to me that he and hubby have built up a slight repetoire since Oct., not sure if that's good or bad :O) Anyway, he was told this last time, that the case looks good, they have everything they need, and that the case will be going before "the board" after Christmas, and we should know something by or before Jan 26th. So, not sure how its gonna play out, can keep fingers crossed till then I guess LOL.

But nah, I know that very few cases get approved the first go around, so not having extremely inflated hopes, but just anxious, I guess.

Will keep thinking about all of ya'll, God Bless you and Yours!!!


MorningBroken 03-05-2008 04:13 AM

Just an update, things moving along.
My initial application for SSI was approved couple weeks ago. Got my backpay credited to my account as of today. Still waiting on the official award letter though. Kiddos have been ill the past couple weeks. Kathryn had pneumonia and was confined to the house for a week (five year olds on bedrest are NOT happy campers) Kris came down with strep, double ear infection, and bronchitis on Saturday, but will be going back to school tommorow (whew). I'm ready to have the house to myself for a few hours tommorow!!!! LOL.

Personally, its been a fairly good, if draining couple of weeks. I guess its a high from getting disability approved. DH said not to get used to it, cause wont be long till the euphoria wears off, and it'll all come crashing down on me. Am keeping fingers crossed that the award letter is soon comming, cause I've been advised by my initial-case worker to not start making appointments until I have the paperwork in hand, cause there might be stipulations on who to see and when and where. I have been assigned a "Future Worker" to contact when the initial award comes in.

Had mentioned being interested in Vocational Rehabilitation, and I believe this "Future Worker" is a case evaluator type, who will be the one to organize the doctor and psychiatric visits to work toward ability to get back into the work-force.

Like I told them, I think I'm fixable, I just need help getting fixed LOLOLOL. Hopefully now we're on the way. Keeping my fingers crossed and my chin up!!!:D

God Bless us EVERYONE!!!!


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